Trust me, I am all for freedom to do whatever the hell you want with your body, and if you feel like you don't belong under the identity of a male or a female or whatever else, I don't give a single flying fedora. People are people and that's okay. Gender roles suck. It's true.
But don't push this shit on babies please.
Before y'all get up-in-arms about that statement, please let me explain.
I seriously despise when people label things unnecessarily as "boy" things and "girl" things. Pink is not a "girl" color. Neither is purple. In fact, for a very long time pink was the "boy" color, until Hitler, as big on color-coding as he was, decided to label all the gays pink, and then pink was feminine. So yeah, it's Hitler's idea that pink is a feminine color. Superheroes are for girls just as much as they are for boys, and Barbie dolls and princesses are for girls as much as they are for boys. I highly encourage this ideology. I think it's great. Raising your child not to conform to gender stereotypes is a fantastic thing.
However, I think the line between gender and biological sex is getting skewed.
Because I saw this:
And I thought...
Yes. Yes there is reason to do that.
Because it would be really freaking confusing growing up and figuring out the changes that are happening to your body when your parent(s) won't tell you which side of it all you should pay attention to. It's really confusing when you have to choose between the ladies room and the boys room when you don't have a basic concept of which one you are.
I mean think about your identity. My name is Kayleigh, I am 17 years old, and I am a girl. There's honestly a reason why the initialism A/S/L is so popular. Age? 17. Sex? Female. Location? United States. Basic shit.
Basic biology says vagina = female, penis = male. If a child decides when they grow up that they're not comfortable with the label that they have been given as such, they should absolutely have the right to change it. But babies are babies. Chill out.
Also, as a parent, what the hell are you even supposed to do without the gendered pronouns? Refer to your child as "they" or "them"? I personally tend to refer to small children as "it" because to me they're just really expensive, impressionable potatoes with arms and the ability to make noise and drip hazardous fluids onto everything they touch, but I mean come on. "Is it a boy or a girl?" "Actually it's neither, I'm letting it decide for itself, check your privilege." That's just ridiculous to me. Give your child both "boy" and "girl" toys and clothes and such in order for them to decide which one they prefer, but at the same time, teach your baby girl how to pee and wipe differently from boys because girls specifically have to wipe when they pee and boys don't so that's kinda important for a girl to know growing up. Also periods. And attraction. Without knowing your sex, you don't know what box to check when you go to the doctor. This is why gender dysphoria and depression are so rampant. There's a happy medium somewhere in between hating your child for not conforming to gender stereotypes and hating your child for conforming to gender stereotypes. Y'all gotta loosen up a bit. That's all I'm saying.
As kind of an epilogue, I would like to say that I might have contracted salmonella from my chickens and so this probably doesn't make sense but I got frustrated and that is what this is for; posts that are too long for Facebook/Twitter but are too personal for Tumblr.
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