Well, anyway, I went to the doctor today and when she looked in my ears, she couldn't see ANYTHING because there was enough wax in there to open up a candle shop. But she cleaned it out (which hurt a lot) and didn't find anything interesting.
What she did find, however, was that there was a little bit of pus on my tonsils, which every doctor says are HUGE, and that my left sinus passage was clogged. My eyes are also very obviously red and irritated, and I constantly cry out of one eye because it waters all the time. I can safely say that if my eyes weren't watering all the time, I would look high.
As for my ears, it feels like I'm going deaf and I'm not even 20 yet.
I was treated with amoxicillin, which are big pink horse-sized pills that help clear out infections.
As for the cough that I had, cough syrup and lozenges (isn't that word just the best?) should work just fine, and I've been sipping down passion iced tea from Starbucks, so I should be fine.
So what's up with this "rapture" thing? Saturday, right? 21st of May? Is that where all the Christians are let into heaven? I guess most of my street is going to be pretty much empty. That should be fun. I could technically have my choice of any house on the block and maybe move into a much bigger and nicer house. I can dream, right?
Bras, man. Being a woman is hard work. I tried on a D at Target and took it home but I wore it the next day and it didn't fit. The bra industry is taking all my money. Damn them.
Maybe this sickness is just making me insane, but I kinda miss school. Usually I come home and praise the lord that there's no school for a few more hours. But today is different. I just kinda want to see all my friends. Except Andy. Andy can go die in a big crater for all I care.
That will be all for today. This post was brought to you by the letter Q and the number 17,361.449...