I just found out that I now have an average of nine people who view my blog per day. That's quite an accomplishment, I'd say. Having my blog be open to the public makes me feel a lot better about myself.
Tell your friends!
Anyway, it's been a little while since I last posted, so let's get up to speed.
A couple weeks ago, I played Portal for the first time. It's probably my favorite game ever, with Knytt coming close in second. However, I finished Portal right before Portal 2 came out, which was even better than the first one, which doesn't usually happen. So I had a whole week of a Portal-playing-palooza. I love the game even more because the music that plays over the credits are written by one of my favorite people, Jonathan Coulton, and the lyrics are beautifully written. As a disclosure, the songs don't make much sense unless you've played Portal, and the Black Mesa reference is from Half Life, which comes with The Orange Box, which Portal was originally a part of.
I also downloaded Knytt, which is a fun platformer if you want a game you can think about but not have to try too hard to play.
I'm going to go see Thor on the 6th for my dad's birthday. Looks fun.
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