So I was supposed to go to Disneyland on Friday for a band trip. I had had a cough for a few days and was taking NyQuil for it. I'm also fairly certain that this had nothing to do with the fact that I had gone to bed at 7 the previous night in order to wake up at 4 am that morning because the plane left at 6:30 or something like that and I had to be at school at 5:45.
So I woke up at 4 am as planned, except I was so overwhelmed with fatigue that I didn't notice what I was eating and ate a bowl of Frosted Flakes. This was bad because I had a cough. Cough + milk = Horrible cough. So I had a horrible cough. But then I went into the bathroom and threw up. So I was definitely too sick to go to Disneyland, which sucks major ass-hats because I had been planning and worrying and packing for at least a week to go on this trip and was super, super, super excited, but then I was too sick to go. It also sucked because I got up at 4 am for nothing.
So basically that entire day was spent sleeping and watching 80's SNL and the original Twilight Zone series on Netflix Instant Queue. So it wasn't all that bad. Plus I got to be with Raechelle (who had been in West Virginia that whole week) for an extra two and a half days.
Backing up a little ways, before I got sick, my dad and I made chocolate pretzel cookies, which are friggin' DELICIOUS. The best cookies I've ever had. To make them, basically just follow this recipe except instead of the 2 cups chocolate chips, put in 2 cups of a mixture of crumbled chocolate covered pretzels, peanut butter chips, butterscotch chips, and regular chocolate chips. It's REALLY good.
On another note, my portfolio is finally in the last stages of progress. It's been due for a couple weeks, but I was waiting for pictures to get sent back from Rite Aid. What was a ripoff, however, was that when I got them back, the ones that I really needed weren't in there. But that's okay because the portfolio itself is probably plenty big enough.
That's about it for today. See ya!
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