I have a theory about that, too. If I have a good grade in a class, it's mostly because they give me classwork that they base my grade on. If I have a bad grade, it's mostly because they base their grades on homework. This happens because school, for me, is a place to work and study and listen and do well so that you can be a good upstanding citizen and not do drugs and things of that nature. So when you hand me work to do while I'm in class, I'll do it, no questions asked, and I'll do it rather quickly at that. However, when you put work in front of me when I'm at home, I'll be all like
That's why I always have really bad homework grades and missing assignment lists that are two pages long. I'm bad at staying on task when I'm not in class because to me, unless you're supposed to work there, doing work there is weird and abnormal. Which is redundant, I know. But whatever.
You know, I think high school should be optional after 10th grade, and there can be elementary school, which has 5 years, and then middle school, which also has 5 years. There would be a nice even multiple of 5, and people who don't want to be scientists or mathematicians shouldn't be made to pass classes that are supposedly "preparational for adult life". Because, you know, EVERYBODY uses Algebra 2 and Calculus and even Advanced Calculus daily as an adult. It's just one of those simple things. And who uses the knowledge of how atoms work and naming compounds and identifying different types of organisms and their habitats and ways of living all the time unless they're a scientist? Seriously, I don't see why it's mandatory. There should also be competency tests dealing with the English language. Things like the difference between "your" and "you're" and "two", "to", and "too"; capitalization; spelling simple, commonly used words; when to use a semicolon, comma, and ampersand, how many times to use question marks and exclamation points for effect; and the reason why you shouldn't replace "g" with "q" on Facebook. That's because "qirl" isn't a word, whereas "girl" is. You see? I don't understand where this started. It looks even stupider when they're writing in all caps and they say "OMGGGG I LUHVVE UU QQRRL" Then it doesn't even make sense.
Oh, and I also hate when people put tildes at the end of everything as if it's a comma or a period. Tildes aren't real punctuation. I use them sometimes only for separation effects and to express kind of a chibi happiness at the end of a short comment. And then I just put it AFTER the period. Like so. ~
I've also noticed a pattern. People who like pages like "i dont read" and "i hate books" have the worst grammar because they don't learn anything from the books they read. I love reading, but really only in my spare time when I don't have to because then I have more time to enjoy it. That's all you really need to do instead of a Language Arts class. World languages make more sense to me because it's helpful for traveling and seeing the world. Art, to me, is a weird class to get a grade on because if you're not creative, you end up failing that class and it doesn't make sense because it's not who that person is. Math is useful up until geometry, and then it just doesn't make any sense unless you want to be a mathematician, and geometry is only really useful for people who want to be architects, because anyone else in the real world would most likely not have to find out how many diagonals a 37-gon has very often. Calculating tips and sale percentages would be helpful, but they really don't teach that. Ever. Science doesn't make sense either unless you want to be a scientist or a philosopher because I, for one, don't care how atoms are made up or how people work or how the world turns. I just know that it happens and that it's the natural order of things. I really really don't care. Don't get me wrong, people who do care should be able to take those classes, it's just that people who don't care at all should be able to get out of having it as a core class.
To recap:
- Language arts can be solved by reading a book once in a while. Grammar is useful, though. That should be a class by itself.
- Math is useless after Algebra 1 unless you want to be an architect. Or a math teacher, which is kind of a vicious circle.
- Science is only useful for people who are curious about those types of things.
- Geography (which I haven't mentioned) is useful and History is only useful for people who are curious about those kinds of things, much like science.
See ya!
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