Hey there! I bet you all thought that I had completely abandoned you. Just when you thought you didn't have to read this damn blog anymore, I'M BACK!
Sorry about that. And by "that" I mean "me".
So anyway, spring is probably my absolute favorite season ever, with fall in close second. Spring is my favorite because it's sunny but not hot, and not freezing cold either. It's also when all the flowers start blooming and there's color EVERYWHERE. It's so pretty.
At the same time, I freaking HATE spring, because it's the time of year when my ears and my sinuses clog up, for many different reasons. Mostly (because I never go outside) because of my cats and their hair and dander that starts shedding around this time of year. But also because I have a photic sneeze reflex (which also comes from never going outside), in addition to the obvious dust and pollen that's freaking everywhere (which is why I never go outside). Itchy eyes, runny nose, the usual. People always think I'm crying when my eyes are just watering because of allergies. And of course when I tell them that I have allergies, they think I'm lying to cover up the fact that I was crying, which I wasn't.
Anyway, remember how my transfer papers were sent in? Yeah, we haven't heard back about school placement. We're supposed to sometime this month, so fingers crossed. Not that I have any faith in the Seattle Public School District anymore. Oh well.
So, I've been doing some stuff. School is kind of a blur right now, and I'm really just waiting for it to be over, so I'm not going to go into a huge talk about that right now, also because it's Sunday and I don't want to think about hell on Easter. Even though I don't celebrate Easter (I call it "Not-Easter"). But you know what I went to last weekend?
Oh yeah.
Emerald City Comicon.
Whenever people ask me how it was, all I can do is squee like a little fangirl (which I am) because I can't talk about how awesome it was. There are just no words. I got a companion cube, though. Hell yeah.
But really what I want to talk about is The Collectibles, which is my dad's web series that I helped with. I went to the premiere on Sunday, and the place was packed. There were about 400 seats, and most of them were filled. There was laughter in all the right places. I was proud. It aired online last Monday. Here is the first episode:
The audio does suck, I admit, but there were equipment issues, and the audio gets SO much better by episode 4. Also by that time, all the actors have settled into their characters and it's much less awkward being awkward, and then they can be awkward in their own ways. If you know what I mean.
In other (gaming) news, I FINALLY paid off my entire home loan from Tom Nook in Animal Crossing. It took probably two years and I paid it off. Probably over a million Bells total, I swear. I freaking LOVE this game.
Anyway, I should probably go. I need to get a chocolate bunny. Not-Easter just won't be the same without it.
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