Monday, January 10, 2011

Geh. People suck.

So, I believe it was yesterday, Kathy proclaimed that she didn't "really want to be friends with [me] anymore".

And then last Friday, McKenzie claimed that I was "too stupid to correspond with" over a stupid argument because I can "never admit that I'm wrong". And she used 'your' instead of 'you're'. Which was ironic.

And now what do I have?

Stephanie. Stephanie is what I have. I'm not saying that's really a bad thing, but... just... meh.

So now Raechelle is my best friend. I don't have to worry about her leaving me and I can talk to her about whatever I want whenever she's physically there.

Well, it looks like 2011 is actually turning out to be a LOT worse than 2010. AND it's only January.


Then there's high school, which earns an even bigger "Crap" because there are more people. And it's a new school. Like, a really new new school, that they rebuilt. High school is freaking SCARY.

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