Friday, February 26, 2010

I can never think of a post title.

Or a title for anything, and it's annoying.

This post is about (surprise!) music.

Point #1:

I can never write while I'm listening to music with words. It's distracting, and I always make the worst grammar typos or type up words of the lyrics when the word that I was trying to type was completely different. This is also aggravating, because I hate silence sometimes, but I just happen to be typing or writing something while the music is playing.

Point #2:

I now know four songs on the guitar, a blues scale, the riff from Beat It, and a few other things. Expanding my library of knowledge.

Point #3:

I have been kinda into country music lately, and otherwise really upbeat songs, like Avril Lavigne's Things I'll Never Say (which is a song I have learned on my guitar) and Taylor Swift's Fifteen. I have refused to listen to anything sad, and if something comes on the radio, I will mostly ignore it to keep up my happy mood.

And lastly, Point #4:

Kathy is writing a song for me! Actually, I gave her the chords and she said that I needed to think of a title first.

Titles will be avenged. -shakes fist at title gods angrily-

I told her today that it's easier to think of a title once the song is written, and she believed it for the most part (it sounds like I'm lying, but don't be fooled!), but I'm pretty sure that she will still be lazy and not write anything.

So, how was your week?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I'm Sorry!

I haven't posted in forever, so I will make it up to you with this.

How much do YOU love noodles?

So, the reason why I haven't posted in forever is because Facebook has been surprisingly more interesting than before.

I found a new YouTube series-type thing, Cyanide & Happiness. It's hilarious, except for one that's kinda sad, and it has a really sweet story.

On a completely non-relating note, I have a stalker box. It is where I put whatever I can find that has to do with Two. There is currently only one item in there, and that is a tiny piece of paper with his handwriting on it. Once I find a picture, I will put that in there, too.

So, yeah, that's all I have to say. I know. I'm really boring.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

This guy has the right idea.

I was surfing YouTube again, and stumbled upon this video, and he TOTALLY has the right idea about calling people emo. Please excuse the language.

And so, that is all.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Forgive me father, for I have sinned!

Yes, it is a legitimate sin. Well, to me it is. Kathy can't see how either, but I had to tell someone, and that someone coincidentally had to be every blog viewer that I have.

So here is my confession.

Kathy likes three people. One (to be called One from now on) she loves with a burning passion, the second (Two), she doesn't like as much and the third (Three) she barely likes, but enough to classify as "like". And of course, there's me with my three people. I may not have mentioned the third and/or second one on my old blog. The first will be called John, the second shall be called Bob, and the third shall be called Charles. I am using these nicknames because it would be a catastrophe if anyone found out their real names.

Well, as I was walking home, I was accidentally imagining what it would be like to be One's girlfriend. And then, I stumbled upon thinking that Two would be a better boyfriend than One, and right as that happened, the place in my heart for John was defaced by Two's real name in big graffiti letters. This doesn't mean that I don't like John anymore, it just means that I like him less, and Two has replaced him in the ranks. Bob and Fred are off the list entirely.

So, that was my realization today, and I just had to tell the approximate number of 11 people who read this blog.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Puzzle Pirates

As of yesterday, I am addicted to Puzzle Pirates. I was addicted to City of Heroes, and then my dad removed it from his computer to make room for Champions, which I am not allowed to play. He let me make a character, and I played it for two days, and he deleted it, and I asked why, and he told me, "because it's my game". I don't know, I had no intention of having five different characters, I really only wanted one character, and he doesn't need five different characters, either, the way I see it.

Anyway, I was also addicted to Sims for a while, until it started going really slowly and locking up on my computer. I would un-download the mods that Kathy gave me, but I don't know how, so that leaves me at the point where I have to take a break.

And so, Puzzle Pirates is my savior.


It's simple.

What were the problems before? It's all online, all free, and all mine. No fear of my account or characters being deleted. No one has to pay for anything. There isn't an annoying full screen window that I have to open in order to play. There is no danger of the game itself going really slowly and locking up. I would know if either that was the case with my entire computer or the window that I use to open the game.

There aren't any mods for Puzzle Pirates to make the game go slower. 'Nuff said.

So, That leaves me to an open time window of thirty minutes, minus the six because I have to get ready for bed, to play Puzzle Pirates.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Teen angst for the new millennium!

So hi.

I finally got the banner up! Sure the greens don't EXACTLY match the greens with the layout, but it's close enough, and it looks good anyway. I also decided that the description was boring, so my dad thought of "Teen angst for the new millennium" And now that is my banner, or fancy title thingy, as I like to call it.

Okay, Garry's Mod awaits me. See ya.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Disappointment haunts me yet again

So I rode the Metro home from guitar class, and it was very disappointing. So That Guy (you know...) sat across from me on the bus, instead of next to me, which he usually does, and Karen, who is like that one person who ALWAYS follows you around but you can't tell her you hate her because that would just be mean, sat next to me instead. Yay. So she and That Guy started talking and I felt so bored and out of the conversation, because I had no idea what they were talking about. So I stared at all the advertisements on the wall, and they were boring until they left, and I was there, sitting all alone.

So yeah. The one definable good thing that happened between us was that I took and sat on a drum stool that he had apparently been using, even though it was pretty far away from him, and unused. He came up to me and said, "You took my chair." I simply replied with a "yep" and he started hitting me with the butt of his guitar to get me off and I have to admit it took a while.

So yeah, that's pretty much it for now, and it would be good to just get used to my really short posts, because that will be my regular.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

I am sick...

Not like throw-up sick, but I have a saddening cough and my nose is runny.

Anyway, so far it has been an awesome week, considering the fact that I got a BEAUTYFULL new template here, and at some point today I might, with a very slight chance, get a beautiful new title thingy like this one or this one. I was told once what it was actually called but I didn't remember, so I just call it a title thingy.

Tomorrow will define my good week, though, with wonderful guitar class. ^.^

I have been making REALLY short posts lately. I never have anything to say!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I thought I had the need to write the title in all caps.

Anyways, Welcome to my new blog, with maturer titles, both in URL and name. I thought you could also be creative and name this blog whatever you want to, hence, the "title", this way ^^^ for those people who are generally inattentive.

Thanks to the viewers of my previous blog to following the link to this new link and so on. If there is a so on. I am getting SO off track.

Well, enjoy.