Monday, February 8, 2010

Puzzle Pirates

As of yesterday, I am addicted to Puzzle Pirates. I was addicted to City of Heroes, and then my dad removed it from his computer to make room for Champions, which I am not allowed to play. He let me make a character, and I played it for two days, and he deleted it, and I asked why, and he told me, "because it's my game". I don't know, I had no intention of having five different characters, I really only wanted one character, and he doesn't need five different characters, either, the way I see it.

Anyway, I was also addicted to Sims for a while, until it started going really slowly and locking up on my computer. I would un-download the mods that Kathy gave me, but I don't know how, so that leaves me at the point where I have to take a break.

And so, Puzzle Pirates is my savior.


It's simple.

What were the problems before? It's all online, all free, and all mine. No fear of my account or characters being deleted. No one has to pay for anything. There isn't an annoying full screen window that I have to open in order to play. There is no danger of the game itself going really slowly and locking up. I would know if either that was the case with my entire computer or the window that I use to open the game.

There aren't any mods for Puzzle Pirates to make the game go slower. 'Nuff said.

So, That leaves me to an open time window of thirty minutes, minus the six because I have to get ready for bed, to play Puzzle Pirates.


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