Now that I'm in Spectrum... It's... Really not as awesome as I thought it would be. But it's nowhere near as bad as my old classes. I mean really. Reflection symmetry? Ha.
Well, anyway, today has definitely not been a very good day. In first period, I was writing some Chinese characters on a little piece of paper because I was bored, and McKenzie started saying how much I failed and that I was doing it all wrong. When I did it right, she said to do it faster. This was the point where I decided not to put up with it and I just said, 'screw it' and ignored anything having to do with Chinese.
Then McKenzie asked me what my topic was for a personal essay we're supposed to write for this NPR program called This I Believe. When I showed it to her, Kathy saw and said, "That's kind of a given." Which wasn't very nice, because it's the best I could come up with, and I had been thinking about it for two days.
So that made me feel crappy.
Then there was at lunch, when I said to Stephanie as a joke after Amy gave me the rest of her food, "Hey, look. I actually didn't take it forcefully," Stephanie made a big deal out of it and started to tell everyone. And then Kathy said, "Yeah! This is a breakthrough for you!" and she looked completely serious. Which also made me feel crappy.
Then in science, this guy tried to prove me wrong with something that we were supposed to do and he said it in a very matter-of-fact, 'stop trying to be better than me' voice. That also made me feel crappy.
So, all those things piled up on top of each other, I was really depressed in 5th period, and after class, I went to the counselor and cried for a little while. That made me feel a little better. Then I was still just depressed and all I was thinking about during 6th period was how badly I wanted to be out of there and in 7th period.
7th period was substantially better than the rest of the day. I got to do math with McKenzie and then start making a big poster that we're going to work on tomorrow during lunch, and, even though I hate algebra, no matter how crappy I feel, by 7th period, it all goes away.
Well, goodnight.
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