So, I was playing Splosion Man on my brother's Xbox 360 today, and he turned off the console because I didn't want help on a level, and he was watching me and saying how much I sucked. So I threw the controller down and started going on about how you don't just do that to people when they don't want help from you, and I started crying because I was frustrated.
Then, about 10 minutes ago, I found my Tech Deck on the ground and I decided that I should learn some tricks so that I'm not a complete and utter noob at SOMETHING for once. How hard could it be, right? So I looked some tips up on Google and it turns out that the website has some instructional videos. So I watched them all, and they were all extremely hard, I got frustrated, and I started crying. I tried to stop myself by saying this is really stupid to be crying over, because, well, it was, and then I realized that I really needed to cry for no reason.
So I did.
I'm still not very happy, but I can't cry anymore, and I feel better and not as agitated as I was before. I just felt like I needed to blog. So I am.
I got four more pictures of Two today. Apparently, he doesn't like pictures of himself, so whenever his dad tries to put some on Facebook, he deletes them.
That's all I have too say yet again today, so goodbye.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Look at what Justin Beiber has done to poor little children across the nation.
This is why he is revolting to me. He makes little kids cry.
Anyway, this has been another really short post. Goodbye.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Ever since I found out what FTW stood for, I've been using it a lot.
I was going to say a few things. First of all, the title. Ireland FTW is my way of saying "Happy St. Patrick's Day to all". I personally think that it is one of the weirdest holidays (aside from National Talk Like a Pirate Day, of course) for a few reasons.
Show IPA
I was going to say a few things. First of all, the title. Ireland FTW is my way of saying "Happy St. Patrick's Day to all". I personally think that it is one of the weirdest holidays (aside from National Talk Like a Pirate Day, of course) for a few reasons.
- It celebrates Leprechauns
- You wear green or you get pinched
Why pinching? That's such a pansy thing to do. I'm not saying it doesn't hurt, I'm just saying that it's not very intimidating. Something I noticed was that on the overhead speaker yesterday morning at school, Mr. Cooper said that you weren't allowed to pinch, hit or punch people. I noticed that he didn't include any kicking, whacking, kneeing, elbowing, shanking, stabbing, blinding, deafening, mutilating, decapitating, summoning demons to attack, or ripping various limbs of of people's bodies. Not that I would, I'm just saying...
Another thing, is that I sent 20 Desktop Defender ninjas to Toby, and he defeated them all. Dammit! I have officially accepted that I am perpetually 2nd place.Oh well. At least I'm not less than that.
Speaking of ninjas, the plural of ninja is, in fact, ninja, but nobody cares, so I don't either.
Still on the subject of ninjas, I have been playing N a lot. I will post the story right here:
You are a ninja.
Your god-like speed, dexterity, jumping power, and reflexes are the result of an amazingly fast metabolism; sadly, so is your life span of 1.5 minutes.
Like all ninjas, you have an unquenchable thirst for gold, a naturally propensity for exploring rooms infested by increasingly lethal ninja-killing robots, and a devout belief in N.
N, "the way of the ninja", is a highly advanced system of spiritual, cognitive, and physical training.
It emphasizes pacifism, humility, and the need to traverse a series of 5 rooms before the end of your lifetime; a feat only known as "beating an episode".
In accordance with the teachings of N, it is your profound hope that one day you will develop the skill, intelligence, and inexplicable ability to reincarnate necessary to achieve mastery of all 100 episodes.
Sounds cool, right? Well, it is. Free download here.
Speaking of ninjas, the plural of ninja is, in fact, ninja, but nobody cares, so I don't either.
Still on the subject of ninjas, I have been playing N a lot. I will post the story right here:
You are a ninja.
Your god-like speed, dexterity, jumping power, and reflexes are the result of an amazingly fast metabolism; sadly, so is your life span of 1.5 minutes.
Like all ninjas, you have an unquenchable thirst for gold, a naturally propensity for exploring rooms infested by increasingly lethal ninja-killing robots, and a devout belief in N.
N, "the way of the ninja", is a highly advanced system of spiritual, cognitive, and physical training.
It emphasizes pacifism, humility, and the need to traverse a series of 5 rooms before the end of your lifetime; a feat only known as "beating an episode".
In accordance with the teachings of N, it is your profound hope that one day you will develop the skill, intelligence, and inexplicable ability to reincarnate necessary to achieve mastery of all 100 episodes.
Sounds cool, right? Well, it is. Free download here.
That's all I wanted to say, so I will define ninja.
[nin-juh]–noun,plural-ja, -jas. (often initial capital letter
a member of a feudal Japanese society of mercenary agents, highly trained in martial arts and stealth (ninjutsu), who were hired for covert purposes ranging from espionage to sabotage and assassination.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Has anyone ever noticed how Mondays suck, Wednesdays are freaking sweet, Thursdays also suck, Fridays are OMFG FAWESOME, but Tuesdays are really normal? Well, I have, and that's how it is. Like today, for instance. The only thing that was out-of-the-ordinary was the fact that Mr. Store shaved his head to raise money for cancer research. Good cause, but it didn't look good. At. All.
I noticed that Two has really cute little scars all up the side of his face. They look like the one I have on my eye. They might be from the same source, too. I should ask Kathy to ask him if he's had chickenpox...
Two and I might even be fighting each other for 1st place on Desktop Defender, a Facebook app game. I needed something other than Sorority Life. Once you could buy boyfriends, and more than one at the same time, I stopped playing. Desktop Defender seems fun, though, mostly because you don't get boyfriends that you can buy in that game. Ugh.
I have nothing to say, so I will define "normal" for you. There were 9, but this was the most commonly used one, I guess.
Show IPA
I noticed that Two has really cute little scars all up the side of his face. They look like the one I have on my eye. They might be from the same source, too. I should ask Kathy to ask him if he's had chickenpox...
Two and I might even be fighting each other for 1st place on Desktop Defender, a Facebook app game. I needed something other than Sorority Life. Once you could buy boyfriends, and more than one at the same time, I stopped playing. Desktop Defender seems fun, though, mostly because you don't get boyfriends that you can buy in that game. Ugh.
I have nothing to say, so I will define "normal" for you. There were 9, but this was the most commonly used one, I guess.
conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Goddammit, Two!!!
So, yesterday, I went to Comicon with Kathy, and we went on a Two hunt, scavenging the booths that had Batman stuff on them especially, because he loves Batman, apparently. We scavenged every part of Comicon, and he wasn't ANYWHERE! We even waited at the entrances twice and he said he was there from like 2:30 to like 4:30 I think, I didn't hear it myself. And he wasn't freaking THERE!
I had a really good time, anyway, and got a caricature from my friend Steve (which I lost), a Buffy comic, and a little Sonic keychain, since Kathy wouldn't buy me the Shadow cell phone charm. Curse you! I also saw a Kirby Krackle concert and that was awesome, but it would have been the best day ever if Two was there. Well, he was there, but we didn't see him. Which is understandable, because there was something like 30,000 people there. Imagine the smell of a stereotypical nerd. Once you have that smell in your head, imagine that smell times 30,000. Yeah. It smelled very questionable there. I know now why mouth-breathers... well, breathe through their mouths now. Ugh.
I have a kickass story idea, and I have been thinking about it all day. Now I just need to write it, and it will be the best story EVER! Then I might want to publish it, but I'd need some money. It's like those "If You Give a/an [animal] a [thing]" stories, except this would be called, "If You Give Kayleigh a Kickass Story Idea". That would be an interesting children's book.
Waaaaaay off topic there. Sorry.
Back to cons. Norwescon is April. 32! My third Norwescon. W00T! Not dressing up as anything special this year, just wearing fangs. I love vampires, but not as much as I love Two, of course. Sonic comes in third. So there.
That's all I have to say. So, a big cursing to the sky that Two wasn't at Comicon where we could see him, and goodbye.
I had a really good time, anyway, and got a caricature from my friend Steve (which I lost), a Buffy comic, and a little Sonic keychain, since Kathy wouldn't buy me the Shadow cell phone charm. Curse you! I also saw a Kirby Krackle concert and that was awesome, but it would have been the best day ever if Two was there. Well, he was there, but we didn't see him. Which is understandable, because there was something like 30,000 people there. Imagine the smell of a stereotypical nerd. Once you have that smell in your head, imagine that smell times 30,000. Yeah. It smelled very questionable there. I know now why mouth-breathers... well, breathe through their mouths now. Ugh.
I have a kickass story idea, and I have been thinking about it all day. Now I just need to write it, and it will be the best story EVER! Then I might want to publish it, but I'd need some money. It's like those "If You Give a/an [animal] a [thing]" stories, except this would be called, "If You Give Kayleigh a Kickass Story Idea". That would be an interesting children's book.
Waaaaaay off topic there. Sorry.
Back to cons. Norwescon is April. 32! My third Norwescon. W00T! Not dressing up as anything special this year, just wearing fangs. I love vampires, but not as much as I love Two, of course. Sonic comes in third. So there.
That's all I have to say. So, a big cursing to the sky that Two wasn't at Comicon where we could see him, and goodbye.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Ah, love.
What is love? Defining from and then continuing to write is a headache, so I will define at the end, when there is nothing else to say.
Show IPA noun, verb,loved, lov·ing.
So, I must explain to you why I am so deeply in lust with Two now than I ever was before.
I was chatting with Kathy on good old FB when we began talking about the much anticipated Comicon, when Kathy said that Two would be there the same day, possibly at the same time (if we get lucky. Not in that way. You know what I mean.) as us.
So, anyway, my simple physical response was a squeal and thrashing around in my chair in excitement. I immediately bounded out into the living room and told Dad and Raechelle the news. They seemed excited, but it was probably just to side with me in my excitement, as to not ruin my mood. I'm not mad, I'm actually glad that they do that. But, Kathy and I proceeded to talk about how hot Two was and, in more literal terms, how much of a "hot sexy beast" That Four was and how Two was a much "hotter, sexier beastier man" than Four. Yeah. Seriously.
I told Kathy to request that Two see Kirby Krackle's show at 2:30, a band that my friend Kyle is in. They have 2 albums and 2 singles, and are the geekiest band that I know.
That's all that I really have to talk about, so here is our definition. Hm... That's an idea. Definition of the Day. I like it. Anyway.
a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Why hello there, various people who are reading this title.
I am euphoric. Elated. Happy to the point where my face hurts. Yes. That happy.
Except for one point in the day: 4th period. Damn you, computer lab. For some reason whenever I'm in that room I'm just completely and utterly depressed. It was to the point where I was staring at the screen doing nothing, partly because I was depressed, and partly because I actually had nothing to work on.
I am happy, however, for no particular reason. I like being happy, which makes me even more happy. It's so easy to make me laugh, too. I'll even laugh at my own thoughts. It's hard not to, and people look at me with weird expressions when I smile for no reason at all, probably because I am the quiet, "emo" kid in my class. I have this really frightening glower that I surprisingly use a lot, because I HATE my class. I deserve to be in Spectrum, but the school system is hesitating. Why are they hesitating? It's causing me major frustration. Not only because I'm not in the class, but because they put complete idiots like Eyelash Man and The Screech in that class, and they don't put smart people like me in that class. I have aced every quiz that I have taken this entire year, I have A's in all of my classes except for math, and I am at a 12th grade reading level. So why am I in the average class? Gr.
Anyway, before I bore you with my rants, I must go and read the book that I borrowed from Ms. Hernandez.
Except for one point in the day: 4th period. Damn you, computer lab. For some reason whenever I'm in that room I'm just completely and utterly depressed. It was to the point where I was staring at the screen doing nothing, partly because I was depressed, and partly because I actually had nothing to work on.
I am happy, however, for no particular reason. I like being happy, which makes me even more happy. It's so easy to make me laugh, too. I'll even laugh at my own thoughts. It's hard not to, and people look at me with weird expressions when I smile for no reason at all, probably because I am the quiet, "emo" kid in my class. I have this really frightening glower that I surprisingly use a lot, because I HATE my class. I deserve to be in Spectrum, but the school system is hesitating. Why are they hesitating? It's causing me major frustration. Not only because I'm not in the class, but because they put complete idiots like Eyelash Man and The Screech in that class, and they don't put smart people like me in that class. I have aced every quiz that I have taken this entire year, I have A's in all of my classes except for math, and I am at a 12th grade reading level. So why am I in the average class? Gr.
Anyway, before I bore you with my rants, I must go and read the book that I borrowed from Ms. Hernandez.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Nair smells like eggs.
Today, I have nothing in particular to write about, other than the various accounts of the smell of Nair and what happened today.
Let's start with what happened today.
So I was in Mr. Potloo's room with Kathy, One, Two, Max, Four, and Kevin, and somehow Kathy, Four, Kathy and I were talking to each other in a group excluding One and Two who were in their own little world.
The topic of discussion became computers. It was weird to me, because most girls don't talk to guys about internet browsers and battery life of laptops. Kevin was complaining about his 3.5 hour laptop life span, when I said that mine was 2 hours, and Kathy topped us all with her crappy old one, which has a life span of fifteen minutes.
This leads me to another thing: Elmyra Wompkins; Kathy's laptop. She has been classified as a female because she gets PMS, and has surprisingly not hit menopause yet. She has XP, the BEST version of Windows ever created. Well, 2000 was okay for its time, but XP is the best.
My ORIGINAL point was that I am such a nerd. And that Nerds > Geeks thing is stupid, because I am both.
So there.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I am going to drive myself into insanity one of these days.
So, I have gone mad with lust for Two, imagining things that could be. But the problem with being in a relationship is that I don't get to have all the fun of liking somebody. Sure, the relationship is fun, but when you break up, you don't like them anymore and it's just not fun. So that is why I am afraid of saying something. It would be really depressing when we would break up, because I'm obviously going to have somebody else in my lifetime.
And so, I am in lust.
On Friday, Two gave me a Japanese M&M and said my name! Most likely for the first time by himself without having to be reminded of my name. It made me feel special.
What else...? I'm not sure what else to say. I had a piece of lemon cake today, and half a cinnamon roll, but that is really irrelevant and uninteresting, so yeah.
I have discovered that I like kneeling on my floor better than actually sitting in my chair while I'm on the computer. My chair is too small! It's cute, though, so it's mine until my room gets the complete revamp. New furniture, new sheets, new everything except wall color, because the summer afterward, I will have a new room, so it would be kind of a waste to paint my walls and then paint my walls again like nine months after. I know exactly what I want, though, so come September, an IKEA trip, and new everything. I can't wait until we get rid of those horrible aluminum blinds over EVERY window. God, they're so annoying.
So yeah... That's it. Bye.
And so, I am in lust.
On Friday, Two gave me a Japanese M&M and said my name! Most likely for the first time by himself without having to be reminded of my name. It made me feel special.
What else...? I'm not sure what else to say. I had a piece of lemon cake today, and half a cinnamon roll, but that is really irrelevant and uninteresting, so yeah.
I have discovered that I like kneeling on my floor better than actually sitting in my chair while I'm on the computer. My chair is too small! It's cute, though, so it's mine until my room gets the complete revamp. New furniture, new sheets, new everything except wall color, because the summer afterward, I will have a new room, so it would be kind of a waste to paint my walls and then paint my walls again like nine months after. I know exactly what I want, though, so come September, an IKEA trip, and new everything. I can't wait until we get rid of those horrible aluminum blinds over EVERY window. God, they're so annoying.
So yeah... That's it. Bye.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Never Mind.
The stuff that I said about Stephanie in the last post? All of it was true, but she seems to have forgiven me, probably because of something that I came up with with the help of Kathy.
I was chatting with Kathy on Facebook when all of a sudden, she said that Stephanie felt shunned. I read her blog, and decided that something needed to be done because friends need love.
So I told Kathy of this wondrous idea, and she was gun-ho about it, and I told her to text Amy and I would text Lexi and Rachel. She agreed, and within the span of three minutes, Stephanie had five texts saying "I LOVE YOU STEPHANIE!"
Would you feel loved by then? I definitely would.
Things are happy enough between us now.
There is one thing that she has to understand, though, and that is that there are people at that table who don't want her around. And it may be sad and unfortunate, but it is true, and I think that she should understand that and not feel left out when we sit at that table. I personally think that she would be better off outside like she normally was, where Charles and Madi are, so that she can be happier there and not lonely, where there are people. I don't want to be the bad guy here, but I am telling the truth of what would be best for her, and I really do love her like a sister. She even has the flaws that a sister generally has. I just want her to be happy, is all, so I am listing the things that she should do to keep herself from being lonely and sad.
Stephanie, if you are reading this...
I was chatting with Kathy on Facebook when all of a sudden, she said that Stephanie felt shunned. I read her blog, and decided that something needed to be done because friends need love.
So I told Kathy of this wondrous idea, and she was gun-ho about it, and I told her to text Amy and I would text Lexi and Rachel. She agreed, and within the span of three minutes, Stephanie had five texts saying "I LOVE YOU STEPHANIE!"
Would you feel loved by then? I definitely would.
Things are happy enough between us now.
There is one thing that she has to understand, though, and that is that there are people at that table who don't want her around. And it may be sad and unfortunate, but it is true, and I think that she should understand that and not feel left out when we sit at that table. I personally think that she would be better off outside like she normally was, where Charles and Madi are, so that she can be happier there and not lonely, where there are people. I don't want to be the bad guy here, but I am telling the truth of what would be best for her, and I really do love her like a sister. She even has the flaws that a sister generally has. I just want her to be happy, is all, so I am listing the things that she should do to keep herself from being lonely and sad.
Stephanie, if you are reading this...
Monday, March 1, 2010
I feel like something needs to be said.
So, I was reading Darian's blog that she had a while ago, called A Geek's World, and I feel like something needs to be said about these things that I cannot bring up in actual conversation.
First of all, just because she plays Magic the Gathering doesn't make her a geek. She doesn't know everything about Star Wars like she thinks she does. The only video game she plays in rapid succession is Sims, and that really can't be included, because it's extremely easy once you know a few cheats.
Second, she never told me about this blog, and the second post she made says exactly why. All she was doing really was talking about Magic and she was talking about me like I was never going to read it at any point in time. This is what it said:
My friend, Christmas, made a Magic deck 4 herself, but she got it all wrong, the most color cards she can put in there should be 2, but instead, she put in 4!!!!!!!!!!!She can not play a deck without basic lands and it needs editing, but i can help her and edit it into a very strong deck, mostly my "uncle" Tyler will do the editing of her deck, but i got cards 2 spare 4 her ;) Geek u later
She never told me this. Why? She could have just said and I would have just quit right then and there, but no. Now I am really mad. Not because she was saying crap about me without me knowing, although that was certainly part of it, but it was mostly about how she never intended in telling me these things. I know this, because she would have told me about it by now. They date back to mid-March of last year.
Also, the text is really hard to read because its bright pink on a light blue template with a green background. I don't mean to be mean, but she's not good at color-coordination.
And, ah yes, the chatspeak. Not many geeks use chatspeak for EVERYTHING. You have read the post that I copied and pasted. You can see the evidence.
That's all about her blog, but there are some other key points that backs up how she is annoying and treats me like crap.
Like last night, when she said, and I quote from her text, "Im angry, i want 2 bring u here throw my tv at u. I want 2 do that 2 every one right now".
I know she just added the everyone part to even things out, no matter what she tells me. If she hates me so much why does she want to be around me so much? She hangs around me all the time and tries to get my attention. She thinks I'm controlling her life when I hold up a finger for her to wait when I'm listening to someone else. How do I control her? I don't get it. And she tells me she hates her mom, but she takes her advice and takes everything she says really literally. She thinks she has it so hard because her parents are divorced. She thinks she has so many anger issues and depression issues, but she's a normal teenage girl, and from my analyzing point of view, she just wants to be special so that she can be recognized.
And there is still more.
She claims that her sister is a deranged mutant demon who has come up from hell to rule the world, just because she's annoying. Sure, she stabbed her with a fork once, but she was what? One? How can she know any better? And when she jumps on her, she's trying to have fun with her. Darian barely ever plays with her little sister, and that's why she wants her around, and I think it's really sweet. But Darian takes it the wrong way and thinks that she is attacking her. She's three, and yes, for a three year old she should have more discipline, but no sibling, big or small, is perfect and respects every demand.
Whew. I love keyboards because you can hit stuff while you're typing your heart out. productivity! Woot!
First of all, just because she plays Magic the Gathering doesn't make her a geek. She doesn't know everything about Star Wars like she thinks she does. The only video game she plays in rapid succession is Sims, and that really can't be included, because it's extremely easy once you know a few cheats.
Second, she never told me about this blog, and the second post she made says exactly why. All she was doing really was talking about Magic and she was talking about me like I was never going to read it at any point in time. This is what it said:
My friend, Christmas, made a Magic deck 4 herself, but she got it all wrong, the most color cards she can put in there should be 2, but instead, she put in 4!!!!!!!!!!!She can not play a deck without basic lands and it needs editing, but i can help her and edit it into a very strong deck, mostly my "uncle" Tyler will do the editing of her deck, but i got cards 2 spare 4 her ;) Geek u later
She never told me this. Why? She could have just said and I would have just quit right then and there, but no. Now I am really mad. Not because she was saying crap about me without me knowing, although that was certainly part of it, but it was mostly about how she never intended in telling me these things. I know this, because she would have told me about it by now. They date back to mid-March of last year.
Also, the text is really hard to read because its bright pink on a light blue template with a green background. I don't mean to be mean, but she's not good at color-coordination.
And, ah yes, the chatspeak. Not many geeks use chatspeak for EVERYTHING. You have read the post that I copied and pasted. You can see the evidence.
That's all about her blog, but there are some other key points that backs up how she is annoying and treats me like crap.
Like last night, when she said, and I quote from her text, "Im angry, i want 2 bring u here throw my tv at u. I want 2 do that 2 every one right now".
I know she just added the everyone part to even things out, no matter what she tells me. If she hates me so much why does she want to be around me so much? She hangs around me all the time and tries to get my attention. She thinks I'm controlling her life when I hold up a finger for her to wait when I'm listening to someone else. How do I control her? I don't get it. And she tells me she hates her mom, but she takes her advice and takes everything she says really literally. She thinks she has it so hard because her parents are divorced. She thinks she has so many anger issues and depression issues, but she's a normal teenage girl, and from my analyzing point of view, she just wants to be special so that she can be recognized.
And there is still more.
She claims that her sister is a deranged mutant demon who has come up from hell to rule the world, just because she's annoying. Sure, she stabbed her with a fork once, but she was what? One? How can she know any better? And when she jumps on her, she's trying to have fun with her. Darian barely ever plays with her little sister, and that's why she wants her around, and I think it's really sweet. But Darian takes it the wrong way and thinks that she is attacking her. She's three, and yes, for a three year old she should have more discipline, but no sibling, big or small, is perfect and respects every demand.
Whew. I love keyboards because you can hit stuff while you're typing your heart out. productivity! Woot!
X^] My favorite emoticon.
I have been a Facebook addict ever since Two and McKenzie got on. Probably because McKenzie has made SO many groups to join, such as "We [Heart] Max Moreno", the most famous one. McKenzie even went as far as to make a webiste, all just to make Max embarrassed, because that is what makes the world go 'round. Aside from churros. Anyway, URL:
[website got deleted. Sorry.]
Blogger is being a meanie head and won't let me make a link.

Blogger is being a meanie head and won't let me make a link.
So, now that that is said, I need to tell you who Three is, since he is... kinda not a subject of affection anymore. Max Moreno is Three. I still shall not state who One, Two, and Four are, because they are still subjects of affection. However, Five's real name is Kevin. He is not a subject of affection to any of the main characters on this blog, however, he is a Facebook friend, as well as Four, Max, and Two.
And now for something.
It will AMAZE, and possibly DEAFEN you, but probably not.
At lunch, I was bored because Stephanie was mad at me yet again and decided not to eat with us, and Kathy was over sitting at a table with all the codenamed people and McKenzie. And so, I took my apple (of which I never had any intention of eating anyway), walked over to Kathy, and placed the apple in the middle of her tray. She was stupidly looking around at who did it, until she looked behind her and saw me standing proudly. I do these things sometimes simply for attention.
McKenzie started talking to me while I was still standing up behind Kathy, who was sitting next to One, who was sitting next to Four, who was sitting next to Max, who was sitting next to Two, who was sitting next to Kevin, who was sitting next to McKenzie, who was sitting next to me, who was standing behind Kathy, and so on. Kathy didn't notice that I was standing behind her after a few minutes, when she leaned back in her chair and felt the arm I was leaning on, propped up on her chair, and was very surprised. She brushed this over and began mindlessly talking again for about thirty seconds when she stood up and attempted to lead me over to where Two was sitting.
Now, to my dismay, and a lot of other people's surprise, I am very shy when it comes to meeting people. Or, even if I already knew them, but they didn't know me, I would still be shy. And so I weasled out of Kathy's grip, and started to walk away, saying, "No, no, no, no, no, no." She grabbed me again and began to introduce me, when I weasled away again, but she caught me and I fell, and, of course, sat down, very content with where I was. I often do this when I fall, not wanting to make an even bigger attempt at calling attention to myself by getting up, walking away, and saying I'm fine. She offered me help up, but I refused with an angry look and an eyebrow raised, but inspected the offer when people began looking at us and watching.
At this point, we walked back to where she was sitting and I was standing, and McKenzie noticed that I seemed to want to join in, and so she said the following, which very highly amused me:
"You can sit here and I'll sit in Kevin's lap."
She seemed very serious.
So I said, "Go ahead," but Kevin refused and so she merely scooted over while I grabbed a chair. It was okay, though, because I finally lived my dream of sitting at that table.
Later, after we left the cafeteria, Kathy, One, Kevin, McKenzie, and I were all standing around in a place that isn't really describable, Kathy and I were just talking, and we got on the subject of biting, and she did something to provoke me, and so I said, "I will bite you," and she replied, "I'm sure you will," and turned around.
And so I did.
I bit her shoulder, and didn't let go for a while, when people started to notice. I didn't stop, though. Actually, I took frequent breaks until she said it was starting to get sore, so I switched to the other shoulder, at which point Zack asked me if she tasted like fish. I thought about it, and nodded. After a while of saying she tasted like fish, I came up with the fact that she tasted like a freshly baked tuna filet. But I came up with this when I was walking back to class, and everybody that was in that group of people are in the honors class, so they went the opposite direction. Gr. I hate the school system.
So that was my story for today, and I am working on feeding the mind more delicious delicacies by making my posts longer, so get ready to read! Yeah! X^]
Until next time, the British "O RLY" Owl will keep you company. Just in case you have not heard of this "O RLY" Owl, I will also show you the original.
Here they are:

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