I was going to say a few things. First of all, the title. Ireland FTW is my way of saying "Happy St. Patrick's Day to all". I personally think that it is one of the weirdest holidays (aside from National Talk Like a Pirate Day, of course) for a few reasons.
- It celebrates Leprechauns
- You wear green or you get pinched
Why pinching? That's such a pansy thing to do. I'm not saying it doesn't hurt, I'm just saying that it's not very intimidating. Something I noticed was that on the overhead speaker yesterday morning at school, Mr. Cooper said that you weren't allowed to pinch, hit or punch people. I noticed that he didn't include any kicking, whacking, kneeing, elbowing, shanking, stabbing, blinding, deafening, mutilating, decapitating, summoning demons to attack, or ripping various limbs of of people's bodies. Not that I would, I'm just saying...
Another thing, is that I sent 20 Desktop Defender ninjas to Toby, and he defeated them all. Dammit! I have officially accepted that I am perpetually 2nd place.Oh well. At least I'm not less than that.
Speaking of ninjas, the plural of ninja is, in fact, ninja, but nobody cares, so I don't either.
Still on the subject of ninjas, I have been playing N a lot. I will post the story right here:
You are a ninja.
Your god-like speed, dexterity, jumping power, and reflexes are the result of an amazingly fast metabolism; sadly, so is your life span of 1.5 minutes.
Like all ninjas, you have an unquenchable thirst for gold, a naturally propensity for exploring rooms infested by increasingly lethal ninja-killing robots, and a devout belief in N.
N, "the way of the ninja", is a highly advanced system of spiritual, cognitive, and physical training.
It emphasizes pacifism, humility, and the need to traverse a series of 5 rooms before the end of your lifetime; a feat only known as "beating an episode".
In accordance with the teachings of N, it is your profound hope that one day you will develop the skill, intelligence, and inexplicable ability to reincarnate necessary to achieve mastery of all 100 episodes.
Sounds cool, right? Well, it is. Free download here.
Speaking of ninjas, the plural of ninja is, in fact, ninja, but nobody cares, so I don't either.
Still on the subject of ninjas, I have been playing N a lot. I will post the story right here:
You are a ninja.
Your god-like speed, dexterity, jumping power, and reflexes are the result of an amazingly fast metabolism; sadly, so is your life span of 1.5 minutes.
Like all ninjas, you have an unquenchable thirst for gold, a naturally propensity for exploring rooms infested by increasingly lethal ninja-killing robots, and a devout belief in N.
N, "the way of the ninja", is a highly advanced system of spiritual, cognitive, and physical training.
It emphasizes pacifism, humility, and the need to traverse a series of 5 rooms before the end of your lifetime; a feat only known as "beating an episode".
In accordance with the teachings of N, it is your profound hope that one day you will develop the skill, intelligence, and inexplicable ability to reincarnate necessary to achieve mastery of all 100 episodes.
Sounds cool, right? Well, it is. Free download here.
That's all I wanted to say, so I will define ninja.
[nin-juh]–noun,plural-ja, -jas. (often initial capital letter
a member of a feudal Japanese society of mercenary agents, highly trained in martial arts and stealth (ninjutsu), who were hired for covert purposes ranging from espionage to sabotage and assassination.
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