Monday, March 15, 2010

Goddammit, Two!!!

So, yesterday, I went to Comicon with Kathy, and we went on a Two hunt, scavenging the booths that had Batman stuff on them especially, because he loves Batman, apparently. We scavenged every part of Comicon, and he wasn't ANYWHERE! We even waited at the entrances twice and he said he was there from like 2:30 to like 4:30 I think, I didn't hear it myself. And he wasn't freaking THERE!


I had a really good time, anyway, and got a caricature from my friend Steve (which I lost), a Buffy comic, and a little Sonic keychain, since Kathy wouldn't buy me the Shadow cell phone charm. Curse you! I also saw a Kirby Krackle concert and  that was awesome, but it would have been the best day ever if Two was there. Well, he was there, but we didn't see him. Which is understandable, because there was something like 30,000 people there. Imagine the smell of a stereotypical nerd. Once you have that smell in your head, imagine that smell times 30,000. Yeah. It smelled very questionable there. I know now why mouth-breathers... well, breathe through their mouths now. Ugh.

I have a kickass story idea, and I have been thinking about it all day. Now I just need to write it, and it will be the best story EVER! Then I might want to publish it, but I'd need some money. It's like those "If You Give a/an [animal] a [thing]" stories, except this would be called, "If You Give Kayleigh a Kickass Story Idea". That would be an interesting children's book.

Waaaaaay off topic there. Sorry.

Back to cons. Norwescon is April. 32! My third Norwescon. W00T! Not dressing up as anything special this year, just wearing fangs. I love vampires, but not as much as I love Two, of course. Sonic comes in third. So there.

That's all I have to say. So, a big cursing to the sky that Two wasn't at Comicon where we could see him, and goodbye.

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