Monday, June 28, 2010


Screw it, I'm done.

No need to be secretive anymore. Two is Toby. If he finds this blog, it'll probably be after he reads the letter that I wrote to him this morning, as kind of a second draft of the one that I wrote last night at 1 in the morning when I couldn't sleep, but I wrote that one like a pitiful sad sack, so I wrote another one. Then I found instructions online for how to make an origami envelope, but it wasn't very good, but that really didn't matter. The letter was basically about how I've liked him since January 24th, and about how I really didn't care anymore whether he thought I was creepy or weird, because he probably likes Kathy. I still like him, but it's kind of careless and without hope, so there's really no need to try anymore. I actually cried myself to sleep last night after I wrote that letter, which was originally supposed to be a song, but I thought that I had to tell him somehow because it would all just go down the drain if he went on not knowing.

So yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say, so here's a comic. Click for the whole thing.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Maybe it's paranoia, but it's almost as if no one reads my blog anymore. The traffic reports from SiteMeter tell me that the average reader per day is one, from an average of 3 per day in April. It might be the fact that I changed my URL, but--


I changed my URL. doesn't exist anymore, and I forgot to warn people. So, this is my useless warning, that is the new [Insert Blog Title Here]. And there was a reason for this spontaneous URL changing. A very simple reason. And this reason is that Zack found Stephanie's blog, and found out that his codename was One. This was very bad because Stephanie posted a few posts about "One", saying that she liked him and being (a little too) excited that they hung out together. Zack is now very creeped out, mostly because he's a player, but also because he far from thinks of Stephanie that way. Now that he knows the codename system, it wouldn't be hard to figure out who Two was from this blog if you knew about everyone, aside from the inference that One is Zack. So, more to the point, I decided that I REALLY didn't want Two to think of me as more of a stalker than he already thinks I am, so I stopped following Stephanie's blog and being friends with her profile all for the safety of my social life. I'm sure you understand. I still need to be careful about what I say on this blog, because there's still the fact that I comment on her blog, and if they were really curious, they could look at this blog and read back and see some stuff that I don't want people to see through my profile, but nobody would go that far. I don't think I know a stalker like me.


Yesterday was Stephanie's birthday party at Lincoln park. When I got there, I walked along a rather pretty, green path in the wrong direction, heading toward the beach, and got confused, so I called Stephanie. She said that she was behind this giant potluck, which I had seen, but walked past because there were a lot of adults, and I figured that Stephanie wouldn't have that many adults at her party. So I walked back and past the giant potluck to where Stephanie was watching Kathy and Andy experiment with the helium from the balloons. Then we were walking to the parking lot to look for Charles and Zack when Kevin and Two came up from behind us, and joined the party. Then we forgot the whole Charles and Zack expedition, and Amy was there for brief moments, but mainly she was just walking around mysteriously. Then we went back to the table, where numerous sodas exploded, and then we went into the forest. Stephanie and I were pretty much the only people there who weren't either wearing long pants or who cared if we got flayed alive by thorny plants, so we were left behind when everyone else took detours through the bushes twice. At one point, however, we came across a clearing where there was a set of gymnastic bars (in the middle of the forest...?) and so we sat on those until Two decided to be a "chaperon" again and grabbed some sticks to threaten Kathy and Andy with, claiming that "there shall be NO ELOPING!" Personally, I think it would be sweet if Kathy and Andy eloped (although very illegal and altogether kind-of weird), but it was fun to watch Two and Kevin be chaperons. At one point, I grabbed a big stick too and decided to be the very lax chaperon. So I kind of ran around and pointed things at people. It wasn't very interesting, but I got quite a workout. At one point there was cake, and Stephanie opened lots of presents, but then we ran back into the forest for a while, until we had to go back, because it was 4:45, and some people helped carry things out to The Car while other people stood back because there really wasn't anything to carry. Cassie entertained us for a while, and then Raechelle picked me up and I went home.

An hour later, Dad and Raechelle left to go to my aunt's 40th birthday party at a fancy bowling alley with a dress code. I was left home with Tyler, but it was kind of like being alone because Tyler was asleep most of the time. I watched an episode of Intervention and played the Shuffle Game on Facebook, I made some pasta, and settled down on the couch with my faithful laptop.

Today, I slept until 11:30, and got on my laptop that was still resting on the coffee table. There are no words to describe how devastated I would be if I were to lose or break my laptop. I cried when I lost a capo, so this laptop would be EXTREME.

Now Kathy's going to Andy's house at 3, and it's quite peaceful and zen here in the living room. There's really nothing else to say, though, and I would keep telling you stuff, but I can't, because there isn't anything else to say.

So goodbye, one reader, once again.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I must blog.

Blogging is one of the only things keeping me alive right now until Stephanie's party. Stephanie's party is where Two might possibly be, but also Kathy, and maybe everyone else. I'm not entirely sure because it's guys, but it's okay because it's at Lincoln Park, not at her house. It would be awkward having four or five guys at your house when you're a girl, and you're not attracted to (most of) them. Even if you were attracted to them, it would still be awkward. Especially me, because there are piles of dirty laundry on my floor, and dirty laundry means used underwear, which means bras. Which would be weird.


So now Kathy and Andy are a thing. An item. I dunno, but it involved Two taking video and pillow-hitting and kissing. So, it's not necessarily in the dark anymore, or questionable or any other adjectives that could have described it before.


I found out a new webcomic, however many dirty jokes and swear words there are, and it doesn't really have a title, but it's by Natalie Dee, and a link is *here*.


On another note, I think that a cinnamon english muffin is the best idea that I have come up with in a long time. All because we didn't have any bread. Well, we did, but it was moldy, so I threw it out. I was going to make cinnamon toast, or Tiger Toast, as some people call it, but I couldn't because there wasn't. Any. Bread. There were PLENTY of english muffins, though, so I used those and VOILA! A masterpiece was born.


How on earth could people have spelled anything without keyboards?! Words like "weird" and "piece". I have discovered a very simple trick to spelling things like that correctly the first time. "Weird" for instance. The W is on the left side of the keyboard, so you go right. E, then I. No need for "I before E except after C" because that really never made any sense to me. With "piece", The P is on the right side of the keyboard, so you go left. I, then E. See how that works? With words like "view", just sound it out. It's that easy. There's a Vi and an Ew. Vi-Ew. View. See?


The school year is officially over, and now I can count down the days until West Virginia. That would be 6 days. Less than a week. I'm going to miss those competitive games of War with Carmen, though.

I also have no idea what to do after the Georgetown Music Fest (GMF from now on, if I ever mention it again) and WV. Ah yes. And GMF is tomorrow. Then there's Movies on the Wall at the Hotwire cafe about four blocks away from my house. That should be fun.


Well, now. This seems to be the last thought of this post. I shall post my favorite Natalie Dee comics and be on my way.


Monday, June 21, 2010

And the days go by.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow is the last day of school. One of the best years of my life so far and it's pretty much over.

This morning, in first period, I sat in my seat and Carmen offered to play War with me with some of Mr. Store's cards that he keeps in a big white box. She left a few times to go talk to Mr. Store about what movie we were going to watch in class, considering that we can't really do anything in math because it's the last two days of the year. We ended up watching Bolt, while we were still playing cards. Carmen won.

In second period, I finished the forced Form paper, which was basically about shading and values and how to make 2D shapes look real with shading. Nobody in the class wanted to do it, but Ms. Fruitpit forced it, and she's grading it, so we all did it. We watched a movie then, too; the original Parent Trap.

In third period, Mr. Coolio started a movie (The Soloist with Robert Downey Jr.!), but no one was quiet, and he didn't even tell anyone that we had to watch the movie and be quiet, so at one point, he stopped the movie and told us to play stuff, and that since we didn't be quiet, he would test us on one of the last six scales. Good thing my sax is broken. And no, I didn't do that on purpose. It's been broken for a while.

Lunch was fun. Nobody really got any food except for Two and Kevin, so we just sat around the table and did stuff while they were eating, and then we went to the Stairs, where we usually go, but then we got kicked out by a teacher and we went to the evil, dastardly portables, but it wasn't too bad. It still would have been better on the Stairs.

Then in fourth period, Carmen and I started playing War again, but then we were making too much noise and we had to put the cards away and watch Supersize Me with everyone else.

Fifth and sixth were the only periods that we didn't watch a movie or plan to watch a movie, so we took a test and finished the CBA (Classroom Based Assignment; determines whether you pass the class or not).

It doesn't feel like the end of the year. It feels like the end of the year already happened and this is some kind of summer camp or something. But no. It's school. And there's one more day of it.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Thank you, Ms. China, for your lovely couch.

Two days until summer. It feels like a normal weekend right now. Kathy's internet connection died, so I'm listening to If I Ever Leave this World Alive and am tired, so after I blog, I will sleep.

So I should update you on this point in the year, the magical, nostalgic time when people get yearbooks. Once yearbooks get passed out, you know it's the end of the year.

An important note: Four is no longer Four. He is Andy. This is okay to say because it has been spilled; Kathy likes him. I can also safely say that One is Zack. He knows because Stephanie was not careful about who she showed her blog to. The only person left is Two, and I cannot say who that is. If he found out about this blog, I would DIE.

Anyway, during lunch, after quite the escapade (I had left my pass at home and we managed to get past the hall monitors anyway) with Carmen and Stephanie, we found everyone else in Ms. China's room with yearbooks and Sharpies. Keep in mind that an actual sixth-grade class was going on, so we were quite the sight just walking in and lounging on the best couch in the universe.

After a little while of sitting awkwardly in one of those blue plastic annoying chairs, Zack moved off of the couch and I sat in between Carmen and Kathy, while Kathy's legs were placed across Andy's after he had claimed them and admitted to being a Repo man. I wrote in a few yearbooks, and then I wrote in Two's. He even handed it to me. I believe I said something along the lines of, "I don't know what to say, and I most definitely will not write HAGS, so this will have to do." In Andy's I said, "Inside, we are all just crazy schizos with multi-personality disorders and OCD," and I didn't really write in anyone else's yearbook. What was disappointing was that when I handed Two my yearbook, he only wrote his name. Only a name. At least he thanked me when I handed it to him, but that doesn't make up for the fact that he didn't do anything. Well, it's better than Charles and Denise, who forgot their names. Carmen even said HAGS just to annoy me.

For those of you who have no idea what HAGS stands for, it stands for Have A Great Summer. 3 people wrote it in my yearbook so far, and it's annoying. I stopped caring, though. If I say that I hate anything to Carmen, she'll do exactly that until I get earnestly mad, and then she'll apologize and find some other annoying thing to do.

Anyway, last night, there was the End of the Year Concert. Two, Kevin, Zack, and Andy were there. Andy had to leave after the steel drums performance because his sister was crying, and so it was Two, Kevin, Zack, Stephanie and I for a while. We went outside and found Kevin and Two, but Zack had gone missing. It was a few moments later that we saw him walking around on the roof of the school. He had climbed on top of a fence to get to the roof. There was a lot of running around, and it sucked for me because I wore heels, and it was one of my clumsy days, so I didn't even try to run. I just walked around following them, and I felt a little like a dork, but it was okay because I made some okay impressions on Two.

Annnnnd I have to go.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Shut UP, Facebook! Go die in a fire!

Well, not really. Facebook is my life source, so I wouldn't ACTUALLY want it to go die in a fire, but it's so annoying.

It was annoying enough when it changed the design. Then they changed "becoming a fan" to "like," and it's hard to distinguish between that and "_____ likes ______'s status." THEN, they stopped listing the pages that people had become a fan of like normal. Instead of:

_____ became a fan of this page.
_____ became a fan of another page.
29089809038423413545 more similar stories

It says:

_____ likes this page, another page, and another page.
_____ likes this other page and 29089809038423413545 other pages.

It's stupid and annoying, and for once, orange had been comforting. Now it's an ugly blue. Not Facebook blue, but the other blue that's stupid and annoying. That blue.

Anyways, after THAT changed, YouTube started changing, and it wasn't for the better.

First of all, they took away the dropdown lists that made it easier to distinguish videos that the user made from videos that other people made that are related. NOW the easier thing to do is to go to their channel, but that will not make me happy, thankyouverymuch.

Also, they made it so that you can either like or dislike a video, which is a load of crap. You should be able to RATE it, because there were 5 options, not two.

And another thing. They made comments stupid, too. Now navigating through comments and replies is difficult because they start you out with "@username123" instead of just opening a text box so that you can type a message there, and it should be able to show up underneath the original comment, not in some other obscure place. The video description is underneath, which ruined a lot of videos, because they pointed to the sidebar, but now it's not a sidebar. Then there's the embedding feature, which is cool, but not if it opens a little bar with all these customization trait-thingies.

And THEN, there's the ad on the homepage that just appears when you go to the site. There's also "Reccomended For You", which sucks because you should be able to find videos yourself, and they assume you like a completely different thing than what you watched.

Then there's Blogger.

Yes, Blogger, I'm talking about you.

I don't like the new template design; I like my template the way it is, thanks. I also liked the other toolbar for posting better. Much easier.


On a completely different topic, I am attempting to learn French, and it would be much easier if I could find a DS charger that wasn't USB.

That's pretty much it, so I will go, and leave you to your life.


HTML Practice run

Hi, people. I've been learning about HTML from a site thats link is indicated *here*. At first, I couldn't get links right, but I had to learn how to work HTML with this browser, because it doesn't work like it said that everything works. It's worked good enough so far, though. I need to practice everything it's teaching me, though, just so that I can do it myself and learn better.

So I decided to try some stuff to see how it looked in a web browser.

P.S. keep in mind that these are merely tests. You don't even have to look at it. Just practicing and somewhat showing off my skillzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Sorry. The Über Haxxor inside is attempting to take over.

His name is Tyrone.

Anyways, here goes:

First Name:

Last Name:

Either this

Or this
Seems to be successful so far, right?

But wait, there's more!

Check all that apply:

I have 7+ heads

I have one or more tail(s)

I am a mutant

All of the above

None of the above; I am normal :)
(If you checked that last box... sorry. You can't be eligible for being a member of the Xmen.)

Sorry, I didn't mean that button to do anything. It's there to look pretty.

Anyway, back to what I was doing.

This is a heading.

This is also a heading...




This is a green sentence.
This is a red sentence.
And yellow...
And purple...
Lime (Ooh la la!)...
And silver.

Those were some pretty colors, now weren't they?

There's still more.

This text is preformatted

(horizontal rule)

  • First item
  • Next item

  1. First item
  2. Next item

First term
Next term

Tableheader Tableheader
sometext sometext

 Email list? (of course not, silly! Who wants spam?)
 Something else?

Text quoted from a source.

Written by
Email us
Address: Box 564, Disneyland
Phone: +12 34 56 78

(I cheated. Copied and pasted into the HTMLing thingy. Not the whole thing, just from the stuff after I said, "There's still more." The rest I did myself. I swear.)

Anyway, that's it for the basic HTML script training that I wanted to practice. Bye.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I can find many more things wrong with that statement, but...

And the best friend award goes to...


"And I'm so sorry that I'm being a b**ch, because I really don't want you to be mad at me, because I value our friendship, and honestly you're one of the best friends I've ever had."

We were arguing over a boy. Ha. Isn't it weird? We're two of the only people who are least likely to do that, but yes. We were arguing over Four.

I'd rather not go into detail, because it would take too long, so I just won't.

I almost cried over the thought of not being friends with her. I wouldn't have anywhere to go, and no one to talk to, because nobody in our friend group likes it when somebody is just there, taking up space, and not being an active member of the group. I would have to go back to being miserable at the Portables again, and it would suck for the rest of the school year and the summer. I'd have no one to Skype with! And we can't have that, now, can we?

Well, that's it for this post. Bye!

Monday, June 7, 2010

I swear to god, it was only supposed to be shoes!

Wondering what that was all about?

I really don't blame you.

Well, here's what I was talking about.

Yesterday (or the day before. I'm not entirely sure) my "Converse" broke. They're in quotations because they're the Airwalk fake ones. I mowed the lawn in them, and they're all green, not to mention that they were dirty and filled with holes. So today, I thought I would try to wear the only pair of casual shoes that I had left to school, and they made my feet look big, so I said that I need new shoes. So we went shopping.

Raechelle said that she needed to look at some stuff at Staples first, so we went. I needed a flash drive, so I said that while we were in Staples, we should get one. So Raechelle looked at fancy clipboard-binders and decided that on Wednesday she would go back and get this fancy red laptop bag. Then we looked at flash drives, and the only affordable ones that still had reasonable space was a 4 GB one that was $12. There were 16 GB ones that were $80, which is complete and total blasphemy, if you ask me.

After Staples, we drove over to Target for some hair stuff and to look at some shoe options. First we got some shampoo and some other miscellaneous hair stuff, and then we went over to the shoe aisle, where we spent a lot of time, but didn't find anything that you could wear all day every day. Then we started trying on all the sunglasses, got some, and then got an umbrella for me and all of my lost/stolen ones. Then we got some really expensive milk, and left for Payless.

At Payless, it didn't take long for me to find some shoes that I really liked, which were black and purple with little silver stripes on it. It reminds Raechelle of Spiderman, and it reminds my dad of Black Widow. It reminds me of a black cat, because the silver stripes are in whisker formation. Anyway, after that, we went home.

So I had a semi-eventful day today, and the weekend was fun because I was helping my dad with the Kirby Krackle video shoot. I played with a baby, too. Sarah. I will be seeing a lot more of her in the future. Seeing as she loves me now, she'll probably think of me as kind of an older sister when she's older.

On a completely different note, this is the last full week of school before the end of the year, which is really sad because this year has been the best of my life.
