Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Shut UP, Facebook! Go die in a fire!

Well, not really. Facebook is my life source, so I wouldn't ACTUALLY want it to go die in a fire, but it's so annoying.

It was annoying enough when it changed the design. Then they changed "becoming a fan" to "like," and it's hard to distinguish between that and "_____ likes ______'s status." THEN, they stopped listing the pages that people had become a fan of like normal. Instead of:

_____ became a fan of this page.
_____ became a fan of another page.
29089809038423413545 more similar stories

It says:

_____ likes this page, another page, and another page.
_____ likes this other page and 29089809038423413545 other pages.

It's stupid and annoying, and for once, orange had been comforting. Now it's an ugly blue. Not Facebook blue, but the other blue that's stupid and annoying. That blue.

Anyways, after THAT changed, YouTube started changing, and it wasn't for the better.

First of all, they took away the dropdown lists that made it easier to distinguish videos that the user made from videos that other people made that are related. NOW the easier thing to do is to go to their channel, but that will not make me happy, thankyouverymuch.

Also, they made it so that you can either like or dislike a video, which is a load of crap. You should be able to RATE it, because there were 5 options, not two.

And another thing. They made comments stupid, too. Now navigating through comments and replies is difficult because they start you out with "@username123" instead of just opening a text box so that you can type a message there, and it should be able to show up underneath the original comment, not in some other obscure place. The video description is underneath, which ruined a lot of videos, because they pointed to the sidebar, but now it's not a sidebar. Then there's the embedding feature, which is cool, but not if it opens a little bar with all these customization trait-thingies.

And THEN, there's the ad on the homepage that just appears when you go to the site. There's also "Reccomended For You", which sucks because you should be able to find videos yourself, and they assume you like a completely different thing than what you watched.

Then there's Blogger.

Yes, Blogger, I'm talking about you.

I don't like the new template design; I like my template the way it is, thanks. I also liked the other toolbar for posting better. Much easier.


On a completely different topic, I am attempting to learn French, and it would be much easier if I could find a DS charger that wasn't USB.

That's pretty much it, so I will go, and leave you to your life.


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