So now Kathy and Andy are a thing. An item. I dunno, but it involved Two taking video and pillow-hitting and kissing. So, it's not necessarily in the dark anymore, or questionable or any other adjectives that could have described it before.

I found out a new webcomic, however many dirty jokes and swear words there are, and it doesn't really have a title, but it's by Natalie Dee, and a link is *here*.
On another note, I think that a cinnamon english muffin is the best idea that I have come up with in a long time. All because we didn't have any bread. Well, we did, but it was moldy, so I threw it out. I was going to make cinnamon toast, or Tiger Toast, as some people call it, but I couldn't because there wasn't. Any. Bread. There were PLENTY of english muffins, though, so I used those and VOILA! A masterpiece was born.
How on earth could people have spelled anything without keyboards?! Words like "weird" and "piece". I have discovered a very simple trick to spelling things like that correctly the first time. "Weird" for instance. The W is on the left side of the keyboard, so you go right. E, then I. No need for "I before E except after C" because that really never made any sense to me. With "piece", The P is on the right side of the keyboard, so you go left. I, then E. See how that works? With words like "view", just sound it out. It's that easy. There's a Vi and an Ew. Vi-Ew. View. See?
The school year is officially over, and now I can count down the days until West Virginia. That would be 6 days. Less than a week. I'm going to miss those competitive games of War with Carmen, though.
I also have no idea what to do after the Georgetown Music Fest (GMF from now on, if I ever mention it again) and WV. Ah yes. And GMF is tomorrow. Then there's Movies on the Wall at the Hotwire cafe about four blocks away from my house. That should be fun.
Well, now. This seems to be the last thought of this post. I shall post my favorite Natalie Dee comics and be on my way.

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