I changed my URL. lifeisahappy.blogspot.com doesn't exist anymore, and I forgot to warn people. So, this is my useless warning, that mynameisjazzhands.blogspot.com is the new [Insert Blog Title Here]. And there was a reason for this spontaneous URL changing. A very simple reason. And this reason is that Zack found Stephanie's blog, and found out that his codename was One. This was very bad because Stephanie posted a few posts about "One", saying that she liked him and being (a little too) excited that they hung out together. Zack is now very creeped out, mostly because he's a player, but also because he far from thinks of Stephanie that way. Now that he knows the codename system, it wouldn't be hard to figure out who Two was from this blog if you knew about everyone, aside from the inference that One is Zack. So, more to the point, I decided that I REALLY didn't want Two to think of me as more of a stalker than he already thinks I am, so I stopped following Stephanie's blog and being friends with her profile all for the safety of my social life. I'm sure you understand. I still need to be careful about what I say on this blog, because there's still the fact that I comment on her blog, and if they were really curious, they could look at this blog and read back and see some stuff that I don't want people to see through my profile, but nobody would go that far. I don't think I know a stalker like me.
Yesterday was Stephanie's birthday party at Lincoln park. When I got there, I walked along a rather pretty, green path in the wrong direction, heading toward the beach, and got confused, so I called Stephanie. She said that she was behind this giant potluck, which I had seen, but walked past because there were a lot of adults, and I figured that Stephanie wouldn't have that many adults at her party. So I walked back and past the giant potluck to where Stephanie was watching Kathy and Andy experiment with the helium from the balloons. Then we were walking to the parking lot to look for Charles and Zack when Kevin and Two came up from behind us, and joined the party. Then we forgot the whole Charles and Zack expedition, and Amy was there for brief moments, but mainly she was just walking around mysteriously. Then we went back to the table, where numerous sodas exploded, and then we went into the forest. Stephanie and I were pretty much the only people there who weren't either wearing long pants or who cared if we got flayed alive by thorny plants, so we were left behind when everyone else took detours through the bushes twice. At one point, however, we came across a clearing where there was a set of gymnastic bars (in the middle of the forest...?) and so we sat on those until Two decided to be a "chaperon" again and grabbed some sticks to threaten Kathy and Andy with, claiming that "there shall be NO ELOPING!" Personally, I think it would be sweet if Kathy and Andy eloped (although very illegal and altogether kind-of weird), but it was fun to watch Two and Kevin be chaperons. At one point, I grabbed a big stick too and decided to be the very lax chaperon. So I kind of ran around and pointed things at people. It wasn't very interesting, but I got quite a workout. At one point there was cake, and Stephanie opened lots of presents, but then we ran back into the forest for a while, until we had to go back, because it was 4:45, and some people helped carry things out to The Car while other people stood back because there really wasn't anything to carry. Cassie entertained us for a while, and then Raechelle picked me up and I went home.
An hour later, Dad and Raechelle left to go to my aunt's 40th birthday party at a fancy bowling alley with a dress code. I was left home with Tyler, but it was kind of like being alone because Tyler was asleep most of the time. I watched an episode of Intervention and played the Shuffle Game on Facebook, I made some pasta, and settled down on the couch with my faithful laptop.
Today, I slept until 11:30, and got on my laptop that was still resting on the coffee table. There are no words to describe how devastated I would be if I were to lose or break my laptop. I cried when I lost a capo, so this laptop would be EXTREME.
Now Kathy's going to Andy's house at 3, and it's quite peaceful and zen here in the living room. There's really nothing else to say, though, and I would keep telling you stuff, but I can't, because there isn't anything else to say.
So goodbye, one reader, once again.
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