Friday, June 18, 2010

Thank you, Ms. China, for your lovely couch.

Two days until summer. It feels like a normal weekend right now. Kathy's internet connection died, so I'm listening to If I Ever Leave this World Alive and am tired, so after I blog, I will sleep.

So I should update you on this point in the year, the magical, nostalgic time when people get yearbooks. Once yearbooks get passed out, you know it's the end of the year.

An important note: Four is no longer Four. He is Andy. This is okay to say because it has been spilled; Kathy likes him. I can also safely say that One is Zack. He knows because Stephanie was not careful about who she showed her blog to. The only person left is Two, and I cannot say who that is. If he found out about this blog, I would DIE.

Anyway, during lunch, after quite the escapade (I had left my pass at home and we managed to get past the hall monitors anyway) with Carmen and Stephanie, we found everyone else in Ms. China's room with yearbooks and Sharpies. Keep in mind that an actual sixth-grade class was going on, so we were quite the sight just walking in and lounging on the best couch in the universe.

After a little while of sitting awkwardly in one of those blue plastic annoying chairs, Zack moved off of the couch and I sat in between Carmen and Kathy, while Kathy's legs were placed across Andy's after he had claimed them and admitted to being a Repo man. I wrote in a few yearbooks, and then I wrote in Two's. He even handed it to me. I believe I said something along the lines of, "I don't know what to say, and I most definitely will not write HAGS, so this will have to do." In Andy's I said, "Inside, we are all just crazy schizos with multi-personality disorders and OCD," and I didn't really write in anyone else's yearbook. What was disappointing was that when I handed Two my yearbook, he only wrote his name. Only a name. At least he thanked me when I handed it to him, but that doesn't make up for the fact that he didn't do anything. Well, it's better than Charles and Denise, who forgot their names. Carmen even said HAGS just to annoy me.

For those of you who have no idea what HAGS stands for, it stands for Have A Great Summer. 3 people wrote it in my yearbook so far, and it's annoying. I stopped caring, though. If I say that I hate anything to Carmen, she'll do exactly that until I get earnestly mad, and then she'll apologize and find some other annoying thing to do.

Anyway, last night, there was the End of the Year Concert. Two, Kevin, Zack, and Andy were there. Andy had to leave after the steel drums performance because his sister was crying, and so it was Two, Kevin, Zack, Stephanie and I for a while. We went outside and found Kevin and Two, but Zack had gone missing. It was a few moments later that we saw him walking around on the roof of the school. He had climbed on top of a fence to get to the roof. There was a lot of running around, and it sucked for me because I wore heels, and it was one of my clumsy days, so I didn't even try to run. I just walked around following them, and I felt a little like a dork, but it was okay because I made some okay impressions on Two.

Annnnnd I have to go.


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