Tomorrow. Tomorrow is the last day of school. One of the best years of my life so far and it's pretty much over.
This morning, in first period, I sat in my seat and Carmen offered to play War with me with some of Mr. Store's cards that he keeps in a big white box. She left a few times to go talk to Mr. Store about what movie we were going to watch in class, considering that we can't really do anything in math because it's the last two days of the year. We ended up watching Bolt, while we were still playing cards. Carmen won.
In second period, I finished the forced Form paper, which was basically about shading and values and how to make 2D shapes look real with shading. Nobody in the class wanted to do it, but Ms. Fruitpit forced it, and she's grading it, so we all did it. We watched a movie then, too; the original Parent Trap.
In third period, Mr. Coolio started a movie (The Soloist with Robert Downey Jr.!), but no one was quiet, and he didn't even tell anyone that we had to watch the movie and be quiet, so at one point, he stopped the movie and told us to play stuff, and that since we didn't be quiet, he would test us on one of the last six scales. Good thing my sax is broken. And no, I didn't do that on purpose. It's been broken for a while.
Lunch was fun. Nobody really got any food except for Two and Kevin, so we just sat around the table and did stuff while they were eating, and then we went to the Stairs, where we usually go, but then we got kicked out by a teacher and we went to the evil, dastardly portables, but it wasn't too bad. It still would have been better on the Stairs.
Then in fourth period, Carmen and I started playing War again, but then we were making too much noise and we had to put the cards away and watch Supersize Me with everyone else.
Fifth and sixth were the only periods that we didn't watch a movie or plan to watch a movie, so we took a test and finished the CBA (Classroom Based Assignment; determines whether you pass the class or not).
It doesn't feel like the end of the year. It feels like the end of the year already happened and this is some kind of summer camp or something. But no. It's school. And there's one more day of it.
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