Monday, March 1, 2010

X^] My favorite emoticon.

I have been a Facebook addict ever since Two and McKenzie got on. Probably because McKenzie has made SO many groups to join, such as "We [Heart] Max Moreno", the most famous one. McKenzie even went as far as to make a webiste, all just to make Max embarrassed, because that is what makes the world go 'round. Aside from churros. Anyway, URL:

[website got deleted. Sorry.]

Blogger is being a meanie head and won't let me make a link.

So, now that that is said, I need to tell you who Three is, since he is... kinda not a subject of affection anymore. Max Moreno is Three. I still shall not state who One, Two, and Four are, because they are still subjects of affection. However, Five's real name is Kevin. He is not a subject of affection to any of the main characters on this blog, however, he is a Facebook friend, as well as Four, Max, and Two.

And now for something.

It will AMAZE, and possibly DEAFEN you, but probably not.

At lunch, I was bored because Stephanie was mad at me yet again and decided not to eat with us, and Kathy was over sitting at a table with all the codenamed people and McKenzie. And so, I took my apple (of which I never had any intention of eating anyway), walked over to Kathy, and placed the apple in the middle of her tray. She was stupidly looking around at who did it, until she looked behind her and saw me standing proudly. I do these things sometimes simply for attention.

McKenzie started talking to me while I was still standing up behind Kathy, who was sitting next to One, who was sitting next to Four, who was sitting next to Max, who was sitting next to Two, who was sitting next to Kevin, who was sitting next to McKenzie, who was sitting next to me, who was standing behind Kathy, and so on. Kathy didn't notice that I was standing behind her after a few minutes, when she leaned back in her chair and felt the arm I was leaning on, propped up on her chair, and was very surprised. She brushed this over and began mindlessly talking again for about thirty seconds when she stood up and attempted to lead me over to where Two was sitting.

Now, to my dismay, and a lot of other people's surprise, I am very shy when it comes to meeting people. Or, even if I already knew them, but they didn't know me, I would still be shy. And so I weasled out of Kathy's grip, and started to walk away, saying, "No, no, no, no, no, no." She grabbed me again and began to introduce me, when I weasled away again, but she caught me and I fell, and, of course, sat down, very content with where I was. I often do this when I fall, not wanting to make an even bigger attempt at calling attention to myself by getting up, walking away, and saying I'm fine. She offered me help up, but I refused with an angry look and an eyebrow raised, but inspected the offer when people began looking at us and watching.

At this point, we walked back to where she was sitting and I was standing, and McKenzie noticed that I seemed to want to join in, and so she said the following, which very highly amused me:

"You can sit here and I'll sit in Kevin's lap."

She seemed very serious.

So I said, "Go ahead," but Kevin refused and so she merely scooted over while I grabbed a chair. It was okay, though, because I finally lived my dream of sitting at that table.


Later, after we left the cafeteria, Kathy, One, Kevin, McKenzie, and I were all standing around in a place that isn't really describable, Kathy and I were just talking, and we got on the subject of biting, and she did something to provoke me, and so I said, "I will bite you," and she replied, "I'm sure you will," and turned around.

And so I did.

I bit her shoulder, and didn't let go for a while, when people started to notice. I didn't stop, though. Actually, I took frequent breaks until she said it was starting to get sore, so I switched to the other shoulder, at which point Zack asked me if she tasted like fish. I thought about it, and nodded. After a while of saying she tasted like fish, I came up with the fact that she tasted like a freshly baked tuna filet. But I came up with this when I was walking back to class, and everybody that was in that group of people are in the honors class, so they went the opposite direction. Gr. I hate the school system.

So that was my story for today, and I am working on feeding the mind more delicious delicacies by making my posts longer, so get ready to read! Yeah! X^]

Until next time, the British "O RLY" Owl will keep you company. Just in case you have not heard of this "O RLY" Owl, I will also show you the original.

Here they are:


Lydia said...


Actually, Nat didn't ask you if I tasted like fish, he came over to me, bit me himself, and then said I tasted like fish.

I'm not as mean as you wrote me to be, though :'(
I am sad.

Although sitting at that table does give you a really nice, elated feeling :)

Kayleigh said...

No, you were talking to Paulson while I was gnawing on your shoulder and he asked me if you tasted like fish.

Lydia said...

Yes, that's because earlier Nat had come up to me, bit me and said I tasted like fish. You might not have seen/heard it...