With good reason. Nobody is available to be... not lonely with. Seriously.
Break ends on Monday. Then it's school. Ugh.
Friday is New Years eve. I haven't really lived 2010 to the most like I should have, what with the beginning of a new decade and all, but 2011 is definitely looking like it's going to be a LITTLE bit better. Maybe. If not way worse. Let's hope it's better, though, shall we?
I also have nowhere I really want to go, so I'm probably going to go with my parents to Dan Trish's house, where I get to play with a baby. Hoorah.
By the way, Max totally doesn't like me anymore. He probably thinks I'm annoying and desperate. Well, I'm not denying the fact that I'm the teensiest bit desperate, but I don't think I'm that annoying. Am I?
This doesn't help my self-esteem.
I've decided to back off and let them come to me instead. And if nobody ever does, oh well.
On another note, I've gotten used to my feet being cold. It's eternally freezing in my room and there's not a lot I can do to fix that, so I'm just cold all the time. I don't think it helps that I have three (count 'em THREE) windows in my little tiny room. One is the size of the big windows in my living room. Because of this small detail, I don't have a lot of wall space or options for places to put my map. So it's not up at the moment.
Maybe if I get a space heater...
In the meantime, I'll be cold.
But anyway.
Don't you just hate it when people try to send you pictures on your phone and you can't get any so they take up a lot of space on your phone?
Yeahhhhh, that happens to me all the time. Especially with Zack. He probably doesn't know that I can't receive pictures, but you can't blame him because nobody told him. I will definitely have to get that fixed, though, because me being my nosy self, I REALLY want to know what the picture is.
But again, oh well.
That's all I have to say for now. Goodbye.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Hairy Fish Nuts to Paul and to Paul a New Trite.
Mele Kalikimaka, Merry Keshmish, Feliz Navidad, Boas Festas, Felices Pasquas, Nadolig Llawen, Joyeux Noel, Buone Feste Natalizie, Froehliche Weihnachten, En frehlicher Grischtdaag, Kellemes kara’csonyi u”nnepeket, God Jul, Gle[eth]ileg jol gott og fars, Hristos se rodi, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah, and last of all, Merry Christmas.
For those of you who are wondering what I got for Christmas, I got an electric razor and a blanket.
And, well, ya' know, some candy, nail polish, a zombie finger puppet, a guitar chords book, a photo album, a new mouse, and a camcorder.
I have to say, I'm not ungrateful for the razor. It's a lot more convenient than those stupid non-electric ones. Jeez.
For those of you who are wondering what I got for Christmas, I got an electric razor and a blanket.
And, well, ya' know, some candy, nail polish, a zombie finger puppet, a guitar chords book, a photo album, a new mouse, and a camcorder.
I have to say, I'm not ungrateful for the razor. It's a lot more convenient than those stupid non-electric ones. Jeez.
I'm going to be getting a monthly allowance from my grandparents in California. But that's not all. They're going to be paying me like a minimum wage child laborer and give me a whopping $50 every month. But hey, it's a start.
Of course there's a catch, though. There's always a catch to these kinds of things.
That would be that I'm in charge of buying EVERYTHING I get, including clothes (which, in itself, includes shoes) except food. Which is still pretty freaking awesome.
They also apparently have college funds stored away for me and my brother, so that on top of the grandchildren's trust that my dad has going on, I'm pretty much set for college, and it'll be a bonus if I get a scholarship. However, me being my horribly and pathetically apathetic self, I'll be too lazy to and I'll just go.
And now we have one more long, grueling week until winter break is over, and then at least two long, grueling months until spring break, and then after that there will be at least another long, grueling month of school until I go to Disneyland with the band, and then a few more weeks and then it's the end of the year.
And then I'm in high school.
Oh god.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Another Update.
I feel bad now. I haven't posted in a really long time.
Now that it's winter break, though, I'd imagine I'll have more time if there's anything worth blogging about.
Nothing really interesting has happened, though.
While you're waiting for me to think of something to say, you should check out Pomplamoose's YouTube channel! And buy some stuff. But whatever. Do what you wish.
In other news, Saturday is the best freaking day of the year.
Christmas, my friends. Christmas. A day of joy, happiness, and a helluvalotta prezzies.
Speaking of Christmas, which is associated with snow, guess when the good ol' Puget Sound Lowlands got snow? The answer? About a week before Thanksgiving.
I know, right? It's weird.
It's also weird that we're probably NOT going to get snow on Christmas. Or in December, for that matter.
While we're on the subject of snow, I had a WONDERFUL time in it. Well, not really, since I didn't get to go hang out with Kathy, Kevin, Zack, and Max down on the other side of town because of the ice.
Oh, yes. The ice.
Let me elaborate:
Yes, it was like that.
But anyway, we got a LOT of snow and I went nearly insane because I was expecting fun and being with friends until I realized that I couldn't get to them because they're all over a mile away from me and it would be very difficult to get there.
Oh well. I got pictures of that day even though I wasn't there.
Now that it's winter break, though, I'd imagine I'll have more time if there's anything worth blogging about.
Nothing really interesting has happened, though.
While you're waiting for me to think of something to say, you should check out Pomplamoose's YouTube channel! And buy some stuff. But whatever. Do what you wish.
In other news, Saturday is the best freaking day of the year.
Christmas, my friends. Christmas. A day of joy, happiness, and a helluvalotta prezzies.
Speaking of Christmas, which is associated with snow, guess when the good ol' Puget Sound Lowlands got snow? The answer? About a week before Thanksgiving.
I know, right? It's weird.
It's also weird that we're probably NOT going to get snow on Christmas. Or in December, for that matter.
While we're on the subject of snow, I had a WONDERFUL time in it. Well, not really, since I didn't get to go hang out with Kathy, Kevin, Zack, and Max down on the other side of town because of the ice.
Oh, yes. The ice.
Let me elaborate:
Yes, it was like that.
But anyway, we got a LOT of snow and I went nearly insane because I was expecting fun and being with friends until I realized that I couldn't get to them because they're all over a mile away from me and it would be very difficult to get there.
Oh well. I got pictures of that day even though I wasn't there.
But I can't post them for identity protection.
But whatever. At least you can imagine how it went. Picture two teenagers, a white redhead one (Zack) and a half Black half Argentinian one who looks kind-of awkward and has an afro (Max) rolling around in a bunch of white powder. And the redhead keeps attacking the one with the afro. That's pretty much how it looks.
That's about it. Suddenly I'm craving Indian food...
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Changes, Changes, Changes.
Changes are afoot, my peeps.
As I have said before, change is inevitable -- except from a vending machine.
Okay, so I didn't really say that. Some guy named Robert C. Gallahager or something said it. But, you know, whatever.
So, it started snowing on Sunday.
At first, it was this really weak stupid snow that first night, and I got excited, and then it stopped snowing and I was sad.
But then I woke up the next morning and there was snow everywhere.
School went on on Monday, but we had two-hour early dismissal because they were expecting a lot of snow later on. All the staff kept yelling at people because they were throwing snowballs at people. I'm just glad Ms. Worserest wasn't there. She would probably attempt to take away all the snow. Because that's what she does.
Oh, did I tell you about Ms. Worserest? I can see I didn't.
Well, she's the suckiest vice principal for a middle school WHO EVER LIVED.
How to I hate thee, Ms. Worserest? Let me count the ways:
As I have said before, change is inevitable -- except from a vending machine.
Okay, so I didn't really say that. Some guy named Robert C. Gallahager or something said it. But, you know, whatever.
So, it started snowing on Sunday.
At first, it was this really weak stupid snow that first night, and I got excited, and then it stopped snowing and I was sad.
But then I woke up the next morning and there was snow everywhere.
School went on on Monday, but we had two-hour early dismissal because they were expecting a lot of snow later on. All the staff kept yelling at people because they were throwing snowballs at people. I'm just glad Ms. Worserest wasn't there. She would probably attempt to take away all the snow. Because that's what she does.
Oh, did I tell you about Ms. Worserest? I can see I didn't.
Well, she's the suckiest vice principal for a middle school WHO EVER LIVED.
How to I hate thee, Ms. Worserest? Let me count the ways:
- You make up stupid rules that weren't even written anywhere
- You replaced Ms. Awesome, who was THE BESTEST vice principal EVAR compared to you.
- You think the words "should" and "must" are the same thing.
- You're under the delusion that kids ages ten and up are unable to cross streets without supervision, so you put up traffic cones and direct traffic when you weren't even said to be allowed to do this in the first place, but you do it anyway for some reason unbeknown to me and many other people.
- You are also under the delusion that just because Mr. Cooper, the REAL principal, is locked in his office all day, even though all the other staff is around, YOU and YOU only are in charge. Which is not necessarily true. However, you are unfortunately in a position of power, which is frustrating to me, but I'm not going to say anything about it because if I do I'll get in trouble.
So there.
Where was I? Oh yes. Snow.
So, on Monday, Kathy, Max and I were standing by this tree of awesomeness (now to be referred to as ToA), and it was snowing, and MAX DIDN'T HAVE HIS COAT ON. I mean really. He was holding it in his hands, but he didn't put it on. I didn't say anything until he started shivering, and then I said, "Max! Why aren't you wearing your coat?! It's SNOWING for god's sake! AND you're shivering!" He replied with "No I'm not," and then Kathy asked him if he wanted a ride home and he said yes and then they left and I was alone.
So I went home too.
That night, it snowed EVEN MORE, and now there's about six inches of snow on the ground.
It's about time.
School was canceled today, and it's canceled tomorrow, and it was Thanksgiving weekend anyway, so I get a six-day weekend.
Tomorrow, I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want to get out of the house for once, so Kathy's trying to make plans with Kevin, and I'm probably going to be able to come. And so is Tyler, but just because he asked.
I just thought it was about time that I blogged, and today is an update.
P.S. Did you see the new layout? It's BEAUTIFULZ, I know. It's a lot better than any of the other ones that I've had so far, especially with my banner. Now it's just all kinds of prettifulzzzzzzzz. That's it. For reals. Bye.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Baked goods, pregnancy, and drawing.
Hello, all.
Today, on the menu will be Rice Krispie Treats. And coffee cake. But more the former than the latter. Sorry.
The reason why I'm making them instead of something that I would like a lot more is because Raechelle has a pregnant friend who really really really really really really really likes them. So I'm making them for her.
Speaking of pregnant people, there is, in fact, a girl at my school and in my grade that is pregnant. I'm serious. She's a nice enough girl, but honestly, it's not surprising. She's a good person that made a lot of wrong choices.
On a completely different note, I have accepted the fact that I can't draw with a failed attempt at *Pikachu* and *Domo-Kun*. Now I just aimlessly doodle little cartoons. A few of these gave me the idea to make a new comic. It shall be called Revenge of the Cynical Monoliths. It's about, well, cynical monoliths. Or rather, two cynical monoliths and an overly excited one. They just look like squares, though. I could draw them 3-D, but that would defeat the purpose of purposefully bad drawings.
But anyway.
My weekend has been quite uneventful. Sucks for me; it's Sunday. Last day of freedom before... sigh... school. Ugh.
This has been a rather short post.
Today, on the menu will be Rice Krispie Treats. And coffee cake. But more the former than the latter. Sorry.
The reason why I'm making them instead of something that I would like a lot more is because Raechelle has a pregnant friend who really really really really really really really likes them. So I'm making them for her.
Speaking of pregnant people, there is, in fact, a girl at my school and in my grade that is pregnant. I'm serious. She's a nice enough girl, but honestly, it's not surprising. She's a good person that made a lot of wrong choices.
On a completely different note, I have accepted the fact that I can't draw with a failed attempt at *Pikachu* and *Domo-Kun*. Now I just aimlessly doodle little cartoons. A few of these gave me the idea to make a new comic. It shall be called Revenge of the Cynical Monoliths. It's about, well, cynical monoliths. Or rather, two cynical monoliths and an overly excited one. They just look like squares, though. I could draw them 3-D, but that would defeat the purpose of purposefully bad drawings.
But anyway.
My weekend has been quite uneventful. Sucks for me; it's Sunday. Last day of freedom before... sigh... school. Ugh.
This has been a rather short post.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Now that I'm in Spectrum... It's... Really not as awesome as I thought it would be. But it's nowhere near as bad as my old classes. I mean really. Reflection symmetry? Ha.
Well, anyway, today has definitely not been a very good day. In first period, I was writing some Chinese characters on a little piece of paper because I was bored, and McKenzie started saying how much I failed and that I was doing it all wrong. When I did it right, she said to do it faster. This was the point where I decided not to put up with it and I just said, 'screw it' and ignored anything having to do with Chinese.
Then McKenzie asked me what my topic was for a personal essay we're supposed to write for this NPR program called This I Believe. When I showed it to her, Kathy saw and said, "That's kind of a given." Which wasn't very nice, because it's the best I could come up with, and I had been thinking about it for two days.
So that made me feel crappy.
Then there was at lunch, when I said to Stephanie as a joke after Amy gave me the rest of her food, "Hey, look. I actually didn't take it forcefully," Stephanie made a big deal out of it and started to tell everyone. And then Kathy said, "Yeah! This is a breakthrough for you!" and she looked completely serious. Which also made me feel crappy.
Then in science, this guy tried to prove me wrong with something that we were supposed to do and he said it in a very matter-of-fact, 'stop trying to be better than me' voice. That also made me feel crappy.
So, all those things piled up on top of each other, I was really depressed in 5th period, and after class, I went to the counselor and cried for a little while. That made me feel a little better. Then I was still just depressed and all I was thinking about during 6th period was how badly I wanted to be out of there and in 7th period.
7th period was substantially better than the rest of the day. I got to do math with McKenzie and then start making a big poster that we're going to work on tomorrow during lunch, and, even though I hate algebra, no matter how crappy I feel, by 7th period, it all goes away.
Well, goodnight.
Well, anyway, today has definitely not been a very good day. In first period, I was writing some Chinese characters on a little piece of paper because I was bored, and McKenzie started saying how much I failed and that I was doing it all wrong. When I did it right, she said to do it faster. This was the point where I decided not to put up with it and I just said, 'screw it' and ignored anything having to do with Chinese.
Then McKenzie asked me what my topic was for a personal essay we're supposed to write for this NPR program called This I Believe. When I showed it to her, Kathy saw and said, "That's kind of a given." Which wasn't very nice, because it's the best I could come up with, and I had been thinking about it for two days.
So that made me feel crappy.
Then there was at lunch, when I said to Stephanie as a joke after Amy gave me the rest of her food, "Hey, look. I actually didn't take it forcefully," Stephanie made a big deal out of it and started to tell everyone. And then Kathy said, "Yeah! This is a breakthrough for you!" and she looked completely serious. Which also made me feel crappy.
Then in science, this guy tried to prove me wrong with something that we were supposed to do and he said it in a very matter-of-fact, 'stop trying to be better than me' voice. That also made me feel crappy.
So, all those things piled up on top of each other, I was really depressed in 5th period, and after class, I went to the counselor and cried for a little while. That made me feel a little better. Then I was still just depressed and all I was thinking about during 6th period was how badly I wanted to be out of there and in 7th period.
7th period was substantially better than the rest of the day. I got to do math with McKenzie and then start making a big poster that we're going to work on tomorrow during lunch, and, even though I hate algebra, no matter how crappy I feel, by 7th period, it all goes away.
Well, goodnight.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Respectively Titled Blog Post.
One word.
No, not a rainbow.
No, not a span of light.
The honors program at my school.
So, during 7th period science, Ms. Smith called me up to her, and I thought I was in trouble because I had a bad grade, but it turns out that I was supposed to go to the office because Mr. Suzuki called and said he wanted me to come down to the office. So, naturally, I freaked out, thinking I did something wrong.
When I got to the office, I walked up to the front desk and didn't even need to say anything until Mr. Suzuki saw me and said that Mr. Cooper (principal) wanted to see me. So I freaked out even more, thinking what I could have possibly done that was this bad. It was barely even the second month of school!. Mr. S said that hopefully it was for a good thing because he knew that I of all people wouldn't do something this bad.
When I got to Mr. Cooper's office (which is REALLY nice, by the way), he recognized me (how in the hell do all of these staff members recognize me like that? Do they memorize the faces of the people who they want to see?) and said, "Ah. Kayleigh. Come in." So I sat down at the nice little table where there were LOTS of chairs, which made me wonder how often he actually has to use all of those chairs, but that's irrelevant.
The first thing he said was, "So, I have your schedule right here," and I got really really really excited, "and I know you and your family have been trying very hard to get you into Spectrum." which made me feel kinda bad because my parents had made multiple phone calls and I thought that I had annoyed them. Then he said some other things that I didn't hear behind my elation, and then he said, "On Monday, you can come pick up your schedule when you get here first thing." And then there were some formal goodbyes and "have a good weekend"s and then I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.
All I can think about right now is Spectrum. Ahhhh, lovely solace.
Well, that's it. And miraculously, I'm tired at 10:30. How strange.
Goodnight, everybody.
No, not a rainbow.
No, not a span of light.
The honors program at my school.
So, during 7th period science, Ms. Smith called me up to her, and I thought I was in trouble because I had a bad grade, but it turns out that I was supposed to go to the office because Mr. Suzuki called and said he wanted me to come down to the office. So, naturally, I freaked out, thinking I did something wrong.
When I got to the office, I walked up to the front desk and didn't even need to say anything until Mr. Suzuki saw me and said that Mr. Cooper (principal) wanted to see me. So I freaked out even more, thinking what I could have possibly done that was this bad. It was barely even the second month of school!. Mr. S said that hopefully it was for a good thing because he knew that I of all people wouldn't do something this bad.
When I got to Mr. Cooper's office (which is REALLY nice, by the way), he recognized me (how in the hell do all of these staff members recognize me like that? Do they memorize the faces of the people who they want to see?) and said, "Ah. Kayleigh. Come in." So I sat down at the nice little table where there were LOTS of chairs, which made me wonder how often he actually has to use all of those chairs, but that's irrelevant.
The first thing he said was, "So, I have your schedule right here," and I got really really really excited, "and I know you and your family have been trying very hard to get you into Spectrum." which made me feel kinda bad because my parents had made multiple phone calls and I thought that I had annoyed them. Then he said some other things that I didn't hear behind my elation, and then he said, "On Monday, you can come pick up your schedule when you get here first thing." And then there were some formal goodbyes and "have a good weekend"s and then I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.
All I can think about right now is Spectrum. Ahhhh, lovely solace.
Well, that's it. And miraculously, I'm tired at 10:30. How strange.
Goodnight, everybody.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Believe in yourself, for the LOVE OF GOD! ... Literally.
Hellllllllo there.
I was reading my friend Trish's blog, Sara Laughed, when I came upon a sentence that she had written that was totally true. And I C&Ped this:
I cried, I think, because I'm heartbroken by how exclusive Christianity has become.
The faith that said "Come to me ALL you who are weary or brokenhearted and I will give you rest." Now says "No, we don't want you because you're ______."
And I think that's part of the reason why I'm not Christian. And why I don't watch Glee. Glee just is too focused on faith and Christianity. I'm not saying that I shun all who is Christian, because 4/5 of my friends are Christian, but all I'm saying is it gets a little tiring hearing how great God is.
Now that we're branching off into this subject, another reason why I'm Christian is because there are a lot of plotholes in what people say is wrong. For example, why they say LGBTQ is a bad thing. They say that it wasn't God's intention. Then you ask why He made them, and they say back to you, "God put man on Earth with free will." Excuse me, but, A TOTAL LOAD OF COMPLETE CRAP. Being gay isn't a CHOICE. People were born with different sexual preferences, and it shouldn't be a bad thing. It's just like a man and a woman falling in love, except they can't reproduce. There's not much difference there.
Then there's the thing about "the work on Earth." It means converting everyone to Christianity. And, I'm sorry Evangelists, but this will not be done. Everyone is different, and everyone has a different belief. And there are people out there like me, who are stubborn and will not change my beliefs unless I decide upon it myself. I don't care how great your God is. If he existed, he would have helped me by now.
But anyway.
My teachers in my core classes both confronted me about emails that they had gotten referring to my Spectrum schedule change, so it is probably going to happen sometime in the near future. Either way, I NEED to be in Spectrum. These people are driving me INSANE. And by insane I mean depressed. More and more with every passing day I'm not in Spectrum.
So that's my post for today, probably this week, and the next two weeks.
Goodnight and goodbye.
I was reading my friend Trish's blog, Sara Laughed, when I came upon a sentence that she had written that was totally true. And I C&Ped this:
I cried, I think, because I'm heartbroken by how exclusive Christianity has become.
The faith that said "Come to me ALL you who are weary or brokenhearted and I will give you rest." Now says "No, we don't want you because you're ______."
And I think that's part of the reason why I'm not Christian. And why I don't watch Glee. Glee just is too focused on faith and Christianity. I'm not saying that I shun all who is Christian, because 4/5 of my friends are Christian, but all I'm saying is it gets a little tiring hearing how great God is.
Now that we're branching off into this subject, another reason why I'm Christian is because there are a lot of plotholes in what people say is wrong. For example, why they say LGBTQ is a bad thing. They say that it wasn't God's intention. Then you ask why He made them, and they say back to you, "God put man on Earth with free will." Excuse me, but, A TOTAL LOAD OF COMPLETE CRAP. Being gay isn't a CHOICE. People were born with different sexual preferences, and it shouldn't be a bad thing. It's just like a man and a woman falling in love, except they can't reproduce. There's not much difference there.
Then there's the thing about "the work on Earth." It means converting everyone to Christianity. And, I'm sorry Evangelists, but this will not be done. Everyone is different, and everyone has a different belief. And there are people out there like me, who are stubborn and will not change my beliefs unless I decide upon it myself. I don't care how great your God is. If he existed, he would have helped me by now.
But anyway.
My teachers in my core classes both confronted me about emails that they had gotten referring to my Spectrum schedule change, so it is probably going to happen sometime in the near future. Either way, I NEED to be in Spectrum. These people are driving me INSANE. And by insane I mean depressed. More and more with every passing day I'm not in Spectrum.
So that's my post for today, probably this week, and the next two weeks.
Goodnight and goodbye.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I am a sad excuse for a blogger.
Well, school started 2 1/2 weeks ago.
How is it, you ask?
TERRIBLE. I'm not even kidding.
First of all, I got put in a class with absolutely none of my friends, and there's only a handful of people in my class that are actually bearable. And no, it is not in Spectrum.
In fact, this bothered me so much that I came home and cried for a very long time. My dad called the grade counselor and he put a reference on the principal's desk, but now I have a bad grade in my language arts block because she makes me do the STUPIDEST things: making me put post-it notes (WTF!??!) in my book to help me go back and reference things because "it's what good readers do", which is complete (pardon my french) BS. NOBODY in the real world uses post-it notes to help them go back and reference things.
Also, I thought reading logs were bad, but this lady is EXTREME about them. She makes them with two sides. One is for in-class reading and the other is for at-home reading. AND she makes us write how the character is developing every single time we read. I don't know about anybody else, but the characters in my books don't develop over twenty pages. They develop about halfway through the book. Sometimes I can't even tell you how they've developed because it's so infinitesimal that you barely even notice. I'm also not going back in my book every single time I read to "think about it" because my attention span may be short, but I can hold a lot of information in my little brain, especially about stories, books, and movies.
And I have just figured out that I have two As, three Cs, and a D. I'm sure that'll work really well with getting me into Spectrum. Sigh. At least it makes my Source page colorful.
But anyway.
On a happier note, my birthday is in two days. My parents' gift to me is redoing my room because right now it's not very pretty and it's girly. I like my bookshelf, so I'll keep it and get everything else to match. The colors will be blue for calm and gold for happiness. I will also be getting a full sized bed, instead of a twin, since the twin is getting slightly small and my mattress is a mess. There was a feng shui thing in one of my old magazines that's really easy to follow and very organized.
So anyway, that's all I have to say for now. I'm sure something interesting will happen in my 8th grade escapades (I like the sound of that.... 8GE, I'll call it) so you will probably die of boredom until then. Actually, In two days there might be something. And in another two days after that.
Goodbye, people.
How is it, you ask?
TERRIBLE. I'm not even kidding.
First of all, I got put in a class with absolutely none of my friends, and there's only a handful of people in my class that are actually bearable. And no, it is not in Spectrum.
In fact, this bothered me so much that I came home and cried for a very long time. My dad called the grade counselor and he put a reference on the principal's desk, but now I have a bad grade in my language arts block because she makes me do the STUPIDEST things: making me put post-it notes (WTF!??!) in my book to help me go back and reference things because "it's what good readers do", which is complete (pardon my french) BS. NOBODY in the real world uses post-it notes to help them go back and reference things.
Also, I thought reading logs were bad, but this lady is EXTREME about them. She makes them with two sides. One is for in-class reading and the other is for at-home reading. AND she makes us write how the character is developing every single time we read. I don't know about anybody else, but the characters in my books don't develop over twenty pages. They develop about halfway through the book. Sometimes I can't even tell you how they've developed because it's so infinitesimal that you barely even notice. I'm also not going back in my book every single time I read to "think about it" because my attention span may be short, but I can hold a lot of information in my little brain, especially about stories, books, and movies.
And I have just figured out that I have two As, three Cs, and a D. I'm sure that'll work really well with getting me into Spectrum. Sigh. At least it makes my Source page colorful.
But anyway.
On a happier note, my birthday is in two days. My parents' gift to me is redoing my room because right now it's not very pretty and it's girly. I like my bookshelf, so I'll keep it and get everything else to match. The colors will be blue for calm and gold for happiness. I will also be getting a full sized bed, instead of a twin, since the twin is getting slightly small and my mattress is a mess. There was a feng shui thing in one of my old magazines that's really easy to follow and very organized.
So anyway, that's all I have to say for now. I'm sure something interesting will happen in my 8th grade escapades (I like the sound of that.... 8GE, I'll call it) so you will probably die of boredom until then. Actually, In two days there might be something. And in another two days after that.
Goodbye, people.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The note went through the wash when it was at Andy's house. It's apparently a flat, unreadable piece of paper now. So I wrote another one.
A third note, yes.
This note was remarkably shorter, except I forgot some things (And I wrote in pen...) so I wrote out an attachment and stuffed it as secure as I could inside the sealed envelope. Kathy came by to pick it up and then go directly to Andy's house (since he lives less than 15 blocks away from my house. Go figure.) and we couldn't find it. Again, go figure. So I started writing out a FOURTH letter. Maybe it's a sign, but I refuse to believe bad omens about this. When I was almost done with the letter, Kathy found the third one, and I finished off the letter just in case the third one doesn't make it either, for whatever reason, and folded it up, not bothering with an envelope this time.
And now we wait.
Since this blog post is rather short, I shall tell you the story of my school life.
It started out in preschool, of course. I started earlier than the other kids, because my mom already knew that I would be ahead of everyone, and when she was given the choice to have me start preschool or wait another year, she jumped at the chance to put me in as soon as possible. So I took a test, and I remember being asked to clap 5 times, and then 10 times, and then being taught how to play hopscotch. It was that kind of test.
I was the only one in my preschool class who could read fluently, so preschool was pretty much just a big playtime away from home for me. One day we made applesauce, and one day we found out what happens to ice when it's put in water. I learned how to write my name later on, when one of the assignments was to write my name on a piece of paper that was written by the teacher when she interviewed me about things like what I wanted to be when I grew up (I literally wanted to be everything at once), and she wanted me to write my name, but I didn't know how. When she taught me, I practiced a little on a piece of paper. I am one of the few people who learned lowercase first, but I was bad at it, and my "G"s looked like "E"s and vice versa.
I had advanced so much that my teachers recommended that I only take one year of preschool. So I took another test and they said that I was eligible for Kindergarten. So I got enrolled at Pathfinder, where Tyler was already in third grade, and I ended up in the Duck Clan. I didn't know how to pronounce "kindergarten", either, so when people asked me what grade I was in, I would tell them I was in the Duck Clan.
On the day before the first day, there was a little thing where the kids got familiar with the classroom and the parents got to talk to the teacher. This was where I met Jack.
Jack was sitting in The Boat, which was a life-sized boat that was like a loft bed without a bed, and the boat itself was filled with toys. He was playing with a pair of binoculars and asked me if I wanted to play with him, so I did. Then Jewel came in and joined us, and we were the only three kids until we had to leave.
On the first day of Kindergarten, I sat on the floor, waiting for class to start when I saw a girl that was standing obediently next to her mom, and, of course, being who I was, I approached her without caution and asked her if she wanted to be friends. So we became friends. This was Rain. Later on that day, I met Aster and Vienna, and later on in the year, I befriended every girl in the class and hated all the guys except Jack. At one point, I got chickenpox and had to stay home for a week and I actually cried because I missed all of my friends. I got the scar on my eye from scratching one, and it fell off. Much screaming ensued. Also in Kindergarten, I tripped, fell, and slid partway down a steep hill, and got some more scars on my knees from that.
In first grade, James joined the party in the Bat Clan. This was the year when nothing memorable happened; the calm before the storm.
In second grade, EVERYTHING happened. Jack and James were put in the Spider Clan and Jewel was put in the Wolf Clan while everyone else and I were in the Frog Clan. I met Emma that year, and Kyra (she gets worse) stole Emma away from me, almost brainwashed her into a mainstream prep, and then gave her back. Then Emma "moved" to Texas, and came back a couple of weeks later. Then in February, I gave a kid a concussion by backing into him and knocking him to the pavement on the playground. He was Aster's friend, which didn't help, and she said she would help me make a card for him and she would give it to him. She used a house stencil because there weren't any hearts For a few days, I couldn't be forced to go outside to the playground because the blood stain on the pavement was still there. Everything was fine and dandy after that until my mom died in April. It was a secret for about a month after that; nobody knew except Rain and the teacher. One day, I said accidentally that my mom had died in front of the whole class, there was a universal gasp, a silence, and then a storm of apologies. People made me cards, even Kyra. At the end of that year, Aster and Rain left Pathfinder.
In third grade, I was still in the Frog Clan, because all the second grade classes were mixed with the third grade classes, which didn't help when it was WASL preparation time, because third graders had to take the WASL, but second graders didn't. On Christmas that year, the basement flooded with sewage water, which nobody knew about, but when the fire happened on Valentine's Day, it was no secret. The whole class knew, and a lot of people gave me abundances of gifts and cards, which was sweet, but it didn't make me feel any better about anything. Third grade was also the year that I got my first bra, because my dance teacher asked my dad to get me one. He refused to get me one when I asked because my dance teacher asked me to, so I was walking around for a long time with my arms crossed. I didn't even get a bra until after the photo shoot for dance class, so those were probably the most embarrassing pictures I have ever had taken, and whenever I found a copy, I ripped it to shreds and threw it in the trash. Not only was it because that was when I didn't have a bra, it was also because I was gaining weight by then and when I smiled, a lot of the time I had a double chin, and it was embarrassing to me. And the poses I was in were ridiculous to say the least. So was the costume. But anyway, in March, Tzeitel came along.
In fourth grade, I was put into the Otter Clan with Tzeitel, Emma, and Jack, Jewel got put in the Fox Clan, and James had moved to Vashon Island, or so he told everyone. I also met Rosetta that year. Fourth grade was when I started to get really depressed and self-conscious. I wore really big clothes and had my hair in front of my face all the time. I was also at the point where I was eating a lot because I was depressed and I was gaining weight because of it, which made me even more depressed, which lead into a vicious circle. I also hated my teacher, because she didn't focus on learning and schoolwork very much. She didn't know how to spell, either. Her main concern was that we were at Mee Kwa Mooks Park three times a week via an hour-long hiking trip to do community service work, including hauling buckets of mulch to feed plants and pulling weeds. By now I had two mortal enemies; Thyroidcancer (This is a codename, just to clear stuff up) and Kyra, who were best friends, and both hated me for no reason. They constantly made fun of how Jack and I were friends, made fun of how Jack had a learning disability, and literally pushed me around all the time.
In fifth grade, I dyed my hair blue. No, not all of it. Just the front. Emma and Jack moved, so I had Tzeitel and Rosetta left, and Jewel started being all mean and emo. ED (also a codename) came along and joined Thyroidcancer and Kyra, so they were a supergroup of evilness. ED's backpack was even decorated with bracelets that had Thyroidcancer and Kyra's names on them. They all hated me, so I hated them. End of story.
Then in sixth grade, I met back up with Aster at The School. She was my only friend, but then introduced me to Captain Bojangle, Leprosy (another codename), Amy, and Stephanie. I had known Stephanie from a slumber party that Aster had had that previous summer, and we got to know each other more and became best friends. Kathy came along in maybe February. I can't really remember. I started to recover from my self-consciousness and depression around then, and I was much better by seventh grade, this past year.
After a while, I started to gradually not like our table anymore. It was getting crowded and nobody did anything interesting. After a while, I noticed that Kathy, Amy, and Stephanie decided to move to a different table by themselves, and I followed them. Then I noticed that only Stephanie was coming to the Portables, and Kathy stopped hanging out with us, so I decided to follow her, because I really had nowhere that I liked to go anymore, and Kathy was a good friend by now. So I started to join her at the guys' table and gradually was accepted. You know the rest of the story.
And now, here I am, going into eighth grade. How the time passes. Thank you for joining me in my trip down memory lane. This post is quite long enough now.
The note went through the wash when it was at Andy's house. It's apparently a flat, unreadable piece of paper now. So I wrote another one.
A third note, yes.
This note was remarkably shorter, except I forgot some things (And I wrote in pen...) so I wrote out an attachment and stuffed it as secure as I could inside the sealed envelope. Kathy came by to pick it up and then go directly to Andy's house (since he lives less than 15 blocks away from my house. Go figure.) and we couldn't find it. Again, go figure. So I started writing out a FOURTH letter. Maybe it's a sign, but I refuse to believe bad omens about this. When I was almost done with the letter, Kathy found the third one, and I finished off the letter just in case the third one doesn't make it either, for whatever reason, and folded it up, not bothering with an envelope this time.
And now we wait.
Since this blog post is rather short, I shall tell you the story of my school life.
It started out in preschool, of course. I started earlier than the other kids, because my mom already knew that I would be ahead of everyone, and when she was given the choice to have me start preschool or wait another year, she jumped at the chance to put me in as soon as possible. So I took a test, and I remember being asked to clap 5 times, and then 10 times, and then being taught how to play hopscotch. It was that kind of test.
I was the only one in my preschool class who could read fluently, so preschool was pretty much just a big playtime away from home for me. One day we made applesauce, and one day we found out what happens to ice when it's put in water. I learned how to write my name later on, when one of the assignments was to write my name on a piece of paper that was written by the teacher when she interviewed me about things like what I wanted to be when I grew up (I literally wanted to be everything at once), and she wanted me to write my name, but I didn't know how. When she taught me, I practiced a little on a piece of paper. I am one of the few people who learned lowercase first, but I was bad at it, and my "G"s looked like "E"s and vice versa.
I had advanced so much that my teachers recommended that I only take one year of preschool. So I took another test and they said that I was eligible for Kindergarten. So I got enrolled at Pathfinder, where Tyler was already in third grade, and I ended up in the Duck Clan. I didn't know how to pronounce "kindergarten", either, so when people asked me what grade I was in, I would tell them I was in the Duck Clan.
On the day before the first day, there was a little thing where the kids got familiar with the classroom and the parents got to talk to the teacher. This was where I met Jack.
Jack was sitting in The Boat, which was a life-sized boat that was like a loft bed without a bed, and the boat itself was filled with toys. He was playing with a pair of binoculars and asked me if I wanted to play with him, so I did. Then Jewel came in and joined us, and we were the only three kids until we had to leave.
On the first day of Kindergarten, I sat on the floor, waiting for class to start when I saw a girl that was standing obediently next to her mom, and, of course, being who I was, I approached her without caution and asked her if she wanted to be friends. So we became friends. This was Rain. Later on that day, I met Aster and Vienna, and later on in the year, I befriended every girl in the class and hated all the guys except Jack. At one point, I got chickenpox and had to stay home for a week and I actually cried because I missed all of my friends. I got the scar on my eye from scratching one, and it fell off. Much screaming ensued. Also in Kindergarten, I tripped, fell, and slid partway down a steep hill, and got some more scars on my knees from that.
In first grade, James joined the party in the Bat Clan. This was the year when nothing memorable happened; the calm before the storm.
In second grade, EVERYTHING happened. Jack and James were put in the Spider Clan and Jewel was put in the Wolf Clan while everyone else and I were in the Frog Clan. I met Emma that year, and Kyra (she gets worse) stole Emma away from me, almost brainwashed her into a mainstream prep, and then gave her back. Then Emma "moved" to Texas, and came back a couple of weeks later. Then in February, I gave a kid a concussion by backing into him and knocking him to the pavement on the playground. He was Aster's friend, which didn't help, and she said she would help me make a card for him and she would give it to him. She used a house stencil because there weren't any hearts For a few days, I couldn't be forced to go outside to the playground because the blood stain on the pavement was still there. Everything was fine and dandy after that until my mom died in April. It was a secret for about a month after that; nobody knew except Rain and the teacher. One day, I said accidentally that my mom had died in front of the whole class, there was a universal gasp, a silence, and then a storm of apologies. People made me cards, even Kyra. At the end of that year, Aster and Rain left Pathfinder.
In third grade, I was still in the Frog Clan, because all the second grade classes were mixed with the third grade classes, which didn't help when it was WASL preparation time, because third graders had to take the WASL, but second graders didn't. On Christmas that year, the basement flooded with sewage water, which nobody knew about, but when the fire happened on Valentine's Day, it was no secret. The whole class knew, and a lot of people gave me abundances of gifts and cards, which was sweet, but it didn't make me feel any better about anything. Third grade was also the year that I got my first bra, because my dance teacher asked my dad to get me one. He refused to get me one when I asked because my dance teacher asked me to, so I was walking around for a long time with my arms crossed. I didn't even get a bra until after the photo shoot for dance class, so those were probably the most embarrassing pictures I have ever had taken, and whenever I found a copy, I ripped it to shreds and threw it in the trash. Not only was it because that was when I didn't have a bra, it was also because I was gaining weight by then and when I smiled, a lot of the time I had a double chin, and it was embarrassing to me. And the poses I was in were ridiculous to say the least. So was the costume. But anyway, in March, Tzeitel came along.
In fourth grade, I was put into the Otter Clan with Tzeitel, Emma, and Jack, Jewel got put in the Fox Clan, and James had moved to Vashon Island, or so he told everyone. I also met Rosetta that year. Fourth grade was when I started to get really depressed and self-conscious. I wore really big clothes and had my hair in front of my face all the time. I was also at the point where I was eating a lot because I was depressed and I was gaining weight because of it, which made me even more depressed, which lead into a vicious circle. I also hated my teacher, because she didn't focus on learning and schoolwork very much. She didn't know how to spell, either. Her main concern was that we were at Mee Kwa Mooks Park three times a week via an hour-long hiking trip to do community service work, including hauling buckets of mulch to feed plants and pulling weeds. By now I had two mortal enemies; Thyroidcancer (This is a codename, just to clear stuff up) and Kyra, who were best friends, and both hated me for no reason. They constantly made fun of how Jack and I were friends, made fun of how Jack had a learning disability, and literally pushed me around all the time.
In fifth grade, I dyed my hair blue. No, not all of it. Just the front. Emma and Jack moved, so I had Tzeitel and Rosetta left, and Jewel started being all mean and emo. ED (also a codename) came along and joined Thyroidcancer and Kyra, so they were a supergroup of evilness. ED's backpack was even decorated with bracelets that had Thyroidcancer and Kyra's names on them. They all hated me, so I hated them. End of story.
Then in sixth grade, I met back up with Aster at The School. She was my only friend, but then introduced me to Captain Bojangle, Leprosy (another codename), Amy, and Stephanie. I had known Stephanie from a slumber party that Aster had had that previous summer, and we got to know each other more and became best friends. Kathy came along in maybe February. I can't really remember. I started to recover from my self-consciousness and depression around then, and I was much better by seventh grade, this past year.
After a while, I started to gradually not like our table anymore. It was getting crowded and nobody did anything interesting. After a while, I noticed that Kathy, Amy, and Stephanie decided to move to a different table by themselves, and I followed them. Then I noticed that only Stephanie was coming to the Portables, and Kathy stopped hanging out with us, so I decided to follow her, because I really had nowhere that I liked to go anymore, and Kathy was a good friend by now. So I started to join her at the guys' table and gradually was accepted. You know the rest of the story.
And now, here I am, going into eighth grade. How the time passes. Thank you for joining me in my trip down memory lane. This post is quite long enough now.
Friday, July 30, 2010
I shall now share my thoughts for the end of the month, being it three weeks and four days since my last post, and I'm sorry for leaving you all of one person hanging, but I assure you that I have not stopped blogging. At least I'm not Kathy, who hasn't blogged since April.
I got back from West Virginia on Sunday, and let me just say that I was kind of relieved (no offense intended for those West Virginians). Mostly because of the heat and the fact that there wasn't any wireless connection to ANYTHING.
I got back from West Virginia on Sunday, and let me just say that I was kind of relieved (no offense intended for those West Virginians). Mostly because of the heat and the fact that there wasn't any wireless connection to ANYTHING.
My mouse broke a while ago, so for about a week I used a mouse that was HIGHLY nonfunctional. After a while, I got tired of it and threw it out, so now I have a trackpad until I get a new mouse. Yay.
On the 24th, I went to the beach with Kathy, Kevin, and Andy. Did I tell you that Kathy and Andy are going out now? Well, they are.
We went to the beach and did beach stuff (whatever people tend to do at the beach...). Kathy gave Andy the note, so the next time he sees Toby, he'll give it to him. We went to the little park next to Alki and then we took the bus to the Junction, where MOTW (Movies on the Wall) were playing War Games, one of my favorite movies. We had a LOT of time to kill before the movie, so we went back to my house to make food, but there was a catch...
The boys weren't allowed inside.
So I made them stand on the porch with the door open and the cats in my room. Don't you just LOVE loopholes?
It was all fine until my parents came home. I was horrifically afraid that I would be in trouble. They thought it was HILARIOUS, though, so I was extremely relieved. Then they let the guys come inside, mostly because Elvis has officially learned how to open doors, so even locking him in Tyler's room, where there would be two doors to open in order to get out, didn't work.
We sat on the couch after Kathy had insisted that I bring out my laptop, and we just did stuff until we decided to go. Tyler came with us, and he and Andy were remarkably similar.
We got there and I claimed an open chair, but there wasn't another one, so everyone sat on the ground. Some lady gave us a pizza, too. Apparently it was blasphemous that I didn't eat my crusts. I never eat my crusts.
We made it through the first scene to the opening credits before everyone started complaining, so we went back to my house and watched the movie on Tyler's TV, since I had it anyway.
Kevin left pretty early on, so it was just Kathy and Andy, and then a little bit after the middle of the movie, Andy and Kathy left and we turned it off, and I went to bed.
Two days ago, I went to Kathy's house and didn't get home yesterday until 9:30 pm.
So yeah. Other than that, it's mostly been me anticipating Toby's reaction to the note and sitting on my computer all day, not blogging. Shame on me.
P.S. I also found that I've liked him since February 11th, not January 24th.
P.P.S. I have decided that I shall change my layout. I no longer like the colors of my background, although I cannot stray away from green/yellow, so it won't be ENTIRELY different.
P.P.S. I have decided that I shall change my layout. I no longer like the colors of my background, although I cannot stray away from green/yellow, so it won't be ENTIRELY different.
Monday, July 5, 2010
I am SUCH a city girl.
I've been in West Virginia since Saturday. I left on Friday, took a red-eye flight at 11:45 pm to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and didn't get very much sleep at all. I dozed off probably twice on Raechelle's shoulder, but couldn't sleep otherwise.
We got to the airport at 5:30 am, and went to Starbucks, which was past security (whoops...) had some coffee and food, and went back through the security, which was not nearly as bad as the security in Seattle. The lady who took my water bottle said, "Water bottles aren't allowed through, unless you want to go back and drink it over there." Meow. Wisconsin people are nice, though. It might have been because I didn't have a water bottle, but they seemed a lot nicer than the people in Seattle. What's weird is that I was never treated like that BEFORE when I was a child. I never liked security, though. All those bright lights and taking off sweatshirts and taking everything out of your pockets feels like you're being interrogated.
The plane ride was interesting. It was a tiny jet, with two people on each side of the aisle, and my dad was next to another big dude, and they both looked pitiful squished into those tiny seats. Raechelle and I were fine, but we're both under 5'9". Me being unable to sleep, caught a lightning storm and the sunrise, so it wasn't a total loss.
But then, of course, the next plane was even smaller. There were two seats on one side and one seat on the other. My dad was cramped into an even smaller chair, and it was comical to see him try to fit in between the armrests.
Then we got to Pittsburgh, which wasn't too bad, except for the air, which was almost hard to breathe. My dad and I slept in the backseat, but I barely got any sleep. I just kept dozing in and out until we got home, and I slept in an "actual" bed for four hours. I was exhausted. The reason why actual is in quotation marks is because it's a pullout bed, it's stiff, and it makes this clicking sound whenever I roll over or switch positions, which is bad for me because I squirm when I sleep like there's no tomorrow until I find a comfortable spot, which is hard with this "bed" because it's stiff and uncomfortable. Hopefully tomorrow, I'll get to stay in the camper, which, as a downside, doesn't have air conditioning, but on the good side, the bed is much more comfortable. I get a fan, though, so it's not all bad.
Anyway, there are deer, bats, frogs, and lightning bugs. There over on the West coast, them's fireflies. Here on the East coast, them's some good ol' ligh'nin' bugs. I learned how to catch lightning bugs, and now sometimes I go out at night (while it's still light out so that you can see them when they aren't glowing) and catch them in an empty water bottle, and then let them go after I've had my fun. There were a lot of bugs out tonight in the hot weather, so the bats had a complete and total feast. There were three. There was a frog that was two feet from my face that was just sitting on a stepping-stone, and it hopped away after a while to get some crickets that were under a rock. I just love nature, until it starts feeding on me. Then I get away as fast as possible.
Yesterday, being the 4th, we had a fireworks show, featuring Uncle Shane, lighting them up with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. I was amazed that he still had all of his limbs. I must say that our fireworks were much better than the neighbors, who must have found a sale on the fountain-y ones, because that's all that they used. We, on the other hand, had quite the assortment of all different kinds of fireworks, with explode-y ones and whistlers and twisties and silent ones. It was very interesting.
I have some new cousins that I met. There's Chance, Quinn, Jackson (Jack! JACK!), Katie (This is the blonde one, who was nicknamed Hollywood), Katie, Braden (the cutest), and one other boy. Katie was fun when she was over two days ago, but it was a little annoying when everyone assumed that I would want to go with the other kids and play. They assumed that I would want to run around and play with balloons and sparklers and glow sticks, but no, I just wanted to watch the fireworks. That's it. When I said that I didn't want a sparkler, people were surprised and asked if I was afraid, or if it was my first time holding one, but I didn't want one. I JUST didn't want one. Jeez. There was another girl my age, Haley (So now there's Haley, Kayleigh, Katie, and Katie) who was very competitive and athletic. At one point, she asked out of nowhere if I wanted to arm wrestle, she was surprised that I didn't play any sports, and that I didn't want to be in a race. No. I'm on vacation. And then when I said no, she continued to beg me. She was very pushy, and I didn't like her. I am definitely not going to find her on Facebook. If she finds me, then I guess I'm SOL. I guess I should stop linking to my blog...
On that note, I should go. Goodbye!
We got to the airport at 5:30 am, and went to Starbucks, which was past security (whoops...) had some coffee and food, and went back through the security, which was not nearly as bad as the security in Seattle. The lady who took my water bottle said, "Water bottles aren't allowed through, unless you want to go back and drink it over there." Meow. Wisconsin people are nice, though. It might have been because I didn't have a water bottle, but they seemed a lot nicer than the people in Seattle. What's weird is that I was never treated like that BEFORE when I was a child. I never liked security, though. All those bright lights and taking off sweatshirts and taking everything out of your pockets feels like you're being interrogated.
The plane ride was interesting. It was a tiny jet, with two people on each side of the aisle, and my dad was next to another big dude, and they both looked pitiful squished into those tiny seats. Raechelle and I were fine, but we're both under 5'9". Me being unable to sleep, caught a lightning storm and the sunrise, so it wasn't a total loss.
But then, of course, the next plane was even smaller. There were two seats on one side and one seat on the other. My dad was cramped into an even smaller chair, and it was comical to see him try to fit in between the armrests.
Then we got to Pittsburgh, which wasn't too bad, except for the air, which was almost hard to breathe. My dad and I slept in the backseat, but I barely got any sleep. I just kept dozing in and out until we got home, and I slept in an "actual" bed for four hours. I was exhausted. The reason why actual is in quotation marks is because it's a pullout bed, it's stiff, and it makes this clicking sound whenever I roll over or switch positions, which is bad for me because I squirm when I sleep like there's no tomorrow until I find a comfortable spot, which is hard with this "bed" because it's stiff and uncomfortable. Hopefully tomorrow, I'll get to stay in the camper, which, as a downside, doesn't have air conditioning, but on the good side, the bed is much more comfortable. I get a fan, though, so it's not all bad.
Anyway, there are deer, bats, frogs, and lightning bugs. There over on the West coast, them's fireflies. Here on the East coast, them's some good ol' ligh'nin' bugs. I learned how to catch lightning bugs, and now sometimes I go out at night (while it's still light out so that you can see them when they aren't glowing) and catch them in an empty water bottle, and then let them go after I've had my fun. There were a lot of bugs out tonight in the hot weather, so the bats had a complete and total feast. There were three. There was a frog that was two feet from my face that was just sitting on a stepping-stone, and it hopped away after a while to get some crickets that were under a rock. I just love nature, until it starts feeding on me. Then I get away as fast as possible.
Yesterday, being the 4th, we had a fireworks show, featuring Uncle Shane, lighting them up with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. I was amazed that he still had all of his limbs. I must say that our fireworks were much better than the neighbors, who must have found a sale on the fountain-y ones, because that's all that they used. We, on the other hand, had quite the assortment of all different kinds of fireworks, with explode-y ones and whistlers and twisties and silent ones. It was very interesting.
I have some new cousins that I met. There's Chance, Quinn, Jackson (Jack! JACK!), Katie (This is the blonde one, who was nicknamed Hollywood), Katie, Braden (the cutest), and one other boy. Katie was fun when she was over two days ago, but it was a little annoying when everyone assumed that I would want to go with the other kids and play. They assumed that I would want to run around and play with balloons and sparklers and glow sticks, but no, I just wanted to watch the fireworks. That's it. When I said that I didn't want a sparkler, people were surprised and asked if I was afraid, or if it was my first time holding one, but I didn't want one. I JUST didn't want one. Jeez. There was another girl my age, Haley (So now there's Haley, Kayleigh, Katie, and Katie) who was very competitive and athletic. At one point, she asked out of nowhere if I wanted to arm wrestle, she was surprised that I didn't play any sports, and that I didn't want to be in a race. No. I'm on vacation. And then when I said no, she continued to beg me. She was very pushy, and I didn't like her. I am definitely not going to find her on Facebook. If she finds me, then I guess I'm SOL. I guess I should stop linking to my blog...
On that note, I should go. Goodbye!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Screw it, I'm done.
No need to be secretive anymore. Two is Toby. If he finds this blog, it'll probably be after he reads the letter that I wrote to him this morning, as kind of a second draft of the one that I wrote last night at 1 in the morning when I couldn't sleep, but I wrote that one like a pitiful sad sack, so I wrote another one. Then I found instructions online for how to make an origami envelope, but it wasn't very good, but that really didn't matter. The letter was basically about how I've liked him since January 24th, and about how I really didn't care anymore whether he thought I was creepy or weird, because he probably likes Kathy. I still like him, but it's kind of careless and without hope, so there's really no need to try anymore. I actually cried myself to sleep last night after I wrote that letter, which was originally supposed to be a song, but I thought that I had to tell him somehow because it would all just go down the drain if he went on not knowing.
So yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say, so here's a comic. Click for the whole thing.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Maybe it's paranoia, but it's almost as if no one reads my blog anymore. The traffic reports from SiteMeter tell me that the average reader per day is one, from an average of 3 per day in April. It might be the fact that I changed my URL, but--
I changed my URL. lifeisahappy.blogspot.com doesn't exist anymore, and I forgot to warn people. So, this is my useless warning, that mynameisjazzhands.blogspot.com is the new [Insert Blog Title Here]. And there was a reason for this spontaneous URL changing. A very simple reason. And this reason is that Zack found Stephanie's blog, and found out that his codename was One. This was very bad because Stephanie posted a few posts about "One", saying that she liked him and being (a little too) excited that they hung out together. Zack is now very creeped out, mostly because he's a player, but also because he far from thinks of Stephanie that way. Now that he knows the codename system, it wouldn't be hard to figure out who Two was from this blog if you knew about everyone, aside from the inference that One is Zack. So, more to the point, I decided that I REALLY didn't want Two to think of me as more of a stalker than he already thinks I am, so I stopped following Stephanie's blog and being friends with her profile all for the safety of my social life. I'm sure you understand. I still need to be careful about what I say on this blog, because there's still the fact that I comment on her blog, and if they were really curious, they could look at this blog and read back and see some stuff that I don't want people to see through my profile, but nobody would go that far. I don't think I know a stalker like me.
Yesterday was Stephanie's birthday party at Lincoln park. When I got there, I walked along a rather pretty, green path in the wrong direction, heading toward the beach, and got confused, so I called Stephanie. She said that she was behind this giant potluck, which I had seen, but walked past because there were a lot of adults, and I figured that Stephanie wouldn't have that many adults at her party. So I walked back and past the giant potluck to where Stephanie was watching Kathy and Andy experiment with the helium from the balloons. Then we were walking to the parking lot to look for Charles and Zack when Kevin and Two came up from behind us, and joined the party. Then we forgot the whole Charles and Zack expedition, and Amy was there for brief moments, but mainly she was just walking around mysteriously. Then we went back to the table, where numerous sodas exploded, and then we went into the forest. Stephanie and I were pretty much the only people there who weren't either wearing long pants or who cared if we got flayed alive by thorny plants, so we were left behind when everyone else took detours through the bushes twice. At one point, however, we came across a clearing where there was a set of gymnastic bars (in the middle of the forest...?) and so we sat on those until Two decided to be a "chaperon" again and grabbed some sticks to threaten Kathy and Andy with, claiming that "there shall be NO ELOPING!" Personally, I think it would be sweet if Kathy and Andy eloped (although very illegal and altogether kind-of weird), but it was fun to watch Two and Kevin be chaperons. At one point, I grabbed a big stick too and decided to be the very lax chaperon. So I kind of ran around and pointed things at people. It wasn't very interesting, but I got quite a workout. At one point there was cake, and Stephanie opened lots of presents, but then we ran back into the forest for a while, until we had to go back, because it was 4:45, and some people helped carry things out to The Car while other people stood back because there really wasn't anything to carry. Cassie entertained us for a while, and then Raechelle picked me up and I went home.
An hour later, Dad and Raechelle left to go to my aunt's 40th birthday party at a fancy bowling alley with a dress code. I was left home with Tyler, but it was kind of like being alone because Tyler was asleep most of the time. I watched an episode of Intervention and played the Shuffle Game on Facebook, I made some pasta, and settled down on the couch with my faithful laptop.
Today, I slept until 11:30, and got on my laptop that was still resting on the coffee table. There are no words to describe how devastated I would be if I were to lose or break my laptop. I cried when I lost a capo, so this laptop would be EXTREME.
Now Kathy's going to Andy's house at 3, and it's quite peaceful and zen here in the living room. There's really nothing else to say, though, and I would keep telling you stuff, but I can't, because there isn't anything else to say.
So goodbye, one reader, once again.
I changed my URL. lifeisahappy.blogspot.com doesn't exist anymore, and I forgot to warn people. So, this is my useless warning, that mynameisjazzhands.blogspot.com is the new [Insert Blog Title Here]. And there was a reason for this spontaneous URL changing. A very simple reason. And this reason is that Zack found Stephanie's blog, and found out that his codename was One. This was very bad because Stephanie posted a few posts about "One", saying that she liked him and being (a little too) excited that they hung out together. Zack is now very creeped out, mostly because he's a player, but also because he far from thinks of Stephanie that way. Now that he knows the codename system, it wouldn't be hard to figure out who Two was from this blog if you knew about everyone, aside from the inference that One is Zack. So, more to the point, I decided that I REALLY didn't want Two to think of me as more of a stalker than he already thinks I am, so I stopped following Stephanie's blog and being friends with her profile all for the safety of my social life. I'm sure you understand. I still need to be careful about what I say on this blog, because there's still the fact that I comment on her blog, and if they were really curious, they could look at this blog and read back and see some stuff that I don't want people to see through my profile, but nobody would go that far. I don't think I know a stalker like me.
Yesterday was Stephanie's birthday party at Lincoln park. When I got there, I walked along a rather pretty, green path in the wrong direction, heading toward the beach, and got confused, so I called Stephanie. She said that she was behind this giant potluck, which I had seen, but walked past because there were a lot of adults, and I figured that Stephanie wouldn't have that many adults at her party. So I walked back and past the giant potluck to where Stephanie was watching Kathy and Andy experiment with the helium from the balloons. Then we were walking to the parking lot to look for Charles and Zack when Kevin and Two came up from behind us, and joined the party. Then we forgot the whole Charles and Zack expedition, and Amy was there for brief moments, but mainly she was just walking around mysteriously. Then we went back to the table, where numerous sodas exploded, and then we went into the forest. Stephanie and I were pretty much the only people there who weren't either wearing long pants or who cared if we got flayed alive by thorny plants, so we were left behind when everyone else took detours through the bushes twice. At one point, however, we came across a clearing where there was a set of gymnastic bars (in the middle of the forest...?) and so we sat on those until Two decided to be a "chaperon" again and grabbed some sticks to threaten Kathy and Andy with, claiming that "there shall be NO ELOPING!" Personally, I think it would be sweet if Kathy and Andy eloped (although very illegal and altogether kind-of weird), but it was fun to watch Two and Kevin be chaperons. At one point, I grabbed a big stick too and decided to be the very lax chaperon. So I kind of ran around and pointed things at people. It wasn't very interesting, but I got quite a workout. At one point there was cake, and Stephanie opened lots of presents, but then we ran back into the forest for a while, until we had to go back, because it was 4:45, and some people helped carry things out to The Car while other people stood back because there really wasn't anything to carry. Cassie entertained us for a while, and then Raechelle picked me up and I went home.
An hour later, Dad and Raechelle left to go to my aunt's 40th birthday party at a fancy bowling alley with a dress code. I was left home with Tyler, but it was kind of like being alone because Tyler was asleep most of the time. I watched an episode of Intervention and played the Shuffle Game on Facebook, I made some pasta, and settled down on the couch with my faithful laptop.
Today, I slept until 11:30, and got on my laptop that was still resting on the coffee table. There are no words to describe how devastated I would be if I were to lose or break my laptop. I cried when I lost a capo, so this laptop would be EXTREME.
Now Kathy's going to Andy's house at 3, and it's quite peaceful and zen here in the living room. There's really nothing else to say, though, and I would keep telling you stuff, but I can't, because there isn't anything else to say.
So goodbye, one reader, once again.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I must blog.
Blogging is one of the only things keeping me alive right now until Stephanie's party. Stephanie's party is where Two might possibly be, but also Kathy, and maybe everyone else. I'm not entirely sure because it's guys, but it's okay because it's at Lincoln Park, not at her house. It would be awkward having four or five guys at your house when you're a girl, and you're not attracted to (most of) them. Even if you were attracted to them, it would still be awkward. Especially me, because there are piles of dirty laundry on my floor, and dirty laundry means used underwear, which means bras. Which would be weird.
So now Kathy and Andy are a thing. An item. I dunno, but it involved Two taking video and pillow-hitting and kissing. So, it's not necessarily in the dark anymore, or questionable or any other adjectives that could have described it before.

I found out a new webcomic, however many dirty jokes and swear words there are, and it doesn't really have a title, but it's by Natalie Dee, and a link is *here*.
On another note, I think that a cinnamon english muffin is the best idea that I have come up with in a long time. All because we didn't have any bread. Well, we did, but it was moldy, so I threw it out. I was going to make cinnamon toast, or Tiger Toast, as some people call it, but I couldn't because there wasn't. Any. Bread. There were PLENTY of english muffins, though, so I used those and VOILA! A masterpiece was born.
How on earth could people have spelled anything without keyboards?! Words like "weird" and "piece". I have discovered a very simple trick to spelling things like that correctly the first time. "Weird" for instance. The W is on the left side of the keyboard, so you go right. E, then I. No need for "I before E except after C" because that really never made any sense to me. With "piece", The P is on the right side of the keyboard, so you go left. I, then E. See how that works? With words like "view", just sound it out. It's that easy. There's a Vi and an Ew. Vi-Ew. View. See?
The school year is officially over, and now I can count down the days until West Virginia. That would be 6 days. Less than a week. I'm going to miss those competitive games of War with Carmen, though.
I also have no idea what to do after the Georgetown Music Fest (GMF from now on, if I ever mention it again) and WV. Ah yes. And GMF is tomorrow. Then there's Movies on the Wall at the Hotwire cafe about four blocks away from my house. That should be fun.
Well, now. This seems to be the last thought of this post. I shall post my favorite Natalie Dee comics and be on my way.

So now Kathy and Andy are a thing. An item. I dunno, but it involved Two taking video and pillow-hitting and kissing. So, it's not necessarily in the dark anymore, or questionable or any other adjectives that could have described it before.

I found out a new webcomic, however many dirty jokes and swear words there are, and it doesn't really have a title, but it's by Natalie Dee, and a link is *here*.
On another note, I think that a cinnamon english muffin is the best idea that I have come up with in a long time. All because we didn't have any bread. Well, we did, but it was moldy, so I threw it out. I was going to make cinnamon toast, or Tiger Toast, as some people call it, but I couldn't because there wasn't. Any. Bread. There were PLENTY of english muffins, though, so I used those and VOILA! A masterpiece was born.
How on earth could people have spelled anything without keyboards?! Words like "weird" and "piece". I have discovered a very simple trick to spelling things like that correctly the first time. "Weird" for instance. The W is on the left side of the keyboard, so you go right. E, then I. No need for "I before E except after C" because that really never made any sense to me. With "piece", The P is on the right side of the keyboard, so you go left. I, then E. See how that works? With words like "view", just sound it out. It's that easy. There's a Vi and an Ew. Vi-Ew. View. See?
The school year is officially over, and now I can count down the days until West Virginia. That would be 6 days. Less than a week. I'm going to miss those competitive games of War with Carmen, though.
I also have no idea what to do after the Georgetown Music Fest (GMF from now on, if I ever mention it again) and WV. Ah yes. And GMF is tomorrow. Then there's Movies on the Wall at the Hotwire cafe about four blocks away from my house. That should be fun.
Well, now. This seems to be the last thought of this post. I shall post my favorite Natalie Dee comics and be on my way.

Monday, June 21, 2010
And the days go by.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow is the last day of school. One of the best years of my life so far and it's pretty much over.
This morning, in first period, I sat in my seat and Carmen offered to play War with me with some of Mr. Store's cards that he keeps in a big white box. She left a few times to go talk to Mr. Store about what movie we were going to watch in class, considering that we can't really do anything in math because it's the last two days of the year. We ended up watching Bolt, while we were still playing cards. Carmen won.
In second period, I finished the forced Form paper, which was basically about shading and values and how to make 2D shapes look real with shading. Nobody in the class wanted to do it, but Ms. Fruitpit forced it, and she's grading it, so we all did it. We watched a movie then, too; the original Parent Trap.
In third period, Mr. Coolio started a movie (The Soloist with Robert Downey Jr.!), but no one was quiet, and he didn't even tell anyone that we had to watch the movie and be quiet, so at one point, he stopped the movie and told us to play stuff, and that since we didn't be quiet, he would test us on one of the last six scales. Good thing my sax is broken. And no, I didn't do that on purpose. It's been broken for a while.
Lunch was fun. Nobody really got any food except for Two and Kevin, so we just sat around the table and did stuff while they were eating, and then we went to the Stairs, where we usually go, but then we got kicked out by a teacher and we went to the evil, dastardly portables, but it wasn't too bad. It still would have been better on the Stairs.
Then in fourth period, Carmen and I started playing War again, but then we were making too much noise and we had to put the cards away and watch Supersize Me with everyone else.
Fifth and sixth were the only periods that we didn't watch a movie or plan to watch a movie, so we took a test and finished the CBA (Classroom Based Assignment; determines whether you pass the class or not).
It doesn't feel like the end of the year. It feels like the end of the year already happened and this is some kind of summer camp or something. But no. It's school. And there's one more day of it.
This morning, in first period, I sat in my seat and Carmen offered to play War with me with some of Mr. Store's cards that he keeps in a big white box. She left a few times to go talk to Mr. Store about what movie we were going to watch in class, considering that we can't really do anything in math because it's the last two days of the year. We ended up watching Bolt, while we were still playing cards. Carmen won.
In second period, I finished the forced Form paper, which was basically about shading and values and how to make 2D shapes look real with shading. Nobody in the class wanted to do it, but Ms. Fruitpit forced it, and she's grading it, so we all did it. We watched a movie then, too; the original Parent Trap.
In third period, Mr. Coolio started a movie (The Soloist with Robert Downey Jr.!), but no one was quiet, and he didn't even tell anyone that we had to watch the movie and be quiet, so at one point, he stopped the movie and told us to play stuff, and that since we didn't be quiet, he would test us on one of the last six scales. Good thing my sax is broken. And no, I didn't do that on purpose. It's been broken for a while.
Lunch was fun. Nobody really got any food except for Two and Kevin, so we just sat around the table and did stuff while they were eating, and then we went to the Stairs, where we usually go, but then we got kicked out by a teacher and we went to the evil, dastardly portables, but it wasn't too bad. It still would have been better on the Stairs.
Then in fourth period, Carmen and I started playing War again, but then we were making too much noise and we had to put the cards away and watch Supersize Me with everyone else.
Fifth and sixth were the only periods that we didn't watch a movie or plan to watch a movie, so we took a test and finished the CBA (Classroom Based Assignment; determines whether you pass the class or not).
It doesn't feel like the end of the year. It feels like the end of the year already happened and this is some kind of summer camp or something. But no. It's school. And there's one more day of it.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Thank you, Ms. China, for your lovely couch.
Two days until summer. It feels like a normal weekend right now. Kathy's internet connection died, so I'm listening to If I Ever Leave this World Alive and am tired, so after I blog, I will sleep.
So I should update you on this point in the year, the magical, nostalgic time when people get yearbooks. Once yearbooks get passed out, you know it's the end of the year.
An important note: Four is no longer Four. He is Andy. This is okay to say because it has been spilled; Kathy likes him. I can also safely say that One is Zack. He knows because Stephanie was not careful about who she showed her blog to. The only person left is Two, and I cannot say who that is. If he found out about this blog, I would DIE.
Anyway, during lunch, after quite the escapade (I had left my pass at home and we managed to get past the hall monitors anyway) with Carmen and Stephanie, we found everyone else in Ms. China's room with yearbooks and Sharpies. Keep in mind that an actual sixth-grade class was going on, so we were quite the sight just walking in and lounging on the best couch in the universe.
After a little while of sitting awkwardly in one of those blue plastic annoying chairs, Zack moved off of the couch and I sat in between Carmen and Kathy, while Kathy's legs were placed across Andy's after he had claimed them and admitted to being a Repo man. I wrote in a few yearbooks, and then I wrote in Two's. He even handed it to me. I believe I said something along the lines of, "I don't know what to say, and I most definitely will not write HAGS, so this will have to do." In Andy's I said, "Inside, we are all just crazy schizos with multi-personality disorders and OCD," and I didn't really write in anyone else's yearbook. What was disappointing was that when I handed Two my yearbook, he only wrote his name. Only a name. At least he thanked me when I handed it to him, but that doesn't make up for the fact that he didn't do anything. Well, it's better than Charles and Denise, who forgot their names. Carmen even said HAGS just to annoy me.
For those of you who have no idea what HAGS stands for, it stands for Have A Great Summer. 3 people wrote it in my yearbook so far, and it's annoying. I stopped caring, though. If I say that I hate anything to Carmen, she'll do exactly that until I get earnestly mad, and then she'll apologize and find some other annoying thing to do.
Anyway, last night, there was the End of the Year Concert. Two, Kevin, Zack, and Andy were there. Andy had to leave after the steel drums performance because his sister was crying, and so it was Two, Kevin, Zack, Stephanie and I for a while. We went outside and found Kevin and Two, but Zack had gone missing. It was a few moments later that we saw him walking around on the roof of the school. He had climbed on top of a fence to get to the roof. There was a lot of running around, and it sucked for me because I wore heels, and it was one of my clumsy days, so I didn't even try to run. I just walked around following them, and I felt a little like a dork, but it was okay because I made some okay impressions on Two.
Annnnnd I have to go.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Shut UP, Facebook! Go die in a fire!
Well, not really. Facebook is my life source, so I wouldn't ACTUALLY want it to go die in a fire, but it's so annoying.
It was annoying enough when it changed the design. Then they changed "becoming a fan" to "like," and it's hard to distinguish between that and "_____ likes ______'s status." THEN, they stopped listing the pages that people had become a fan of like normal. Instead of:
_____ became a fan of this page.
_____ became a fan of another page.
29089809038423413545 more similar stories
It says:
_____ likes this page, another page, and another page.
_____ likes this other page and 29089809038423413545 other pages.
It's stupid and annoying, and for once, orange had been comforting. Now it's an ugly blue. Not Facebook blue, but the other blue that's stupid and annoying. That blue.
Anyways, after THAT changed, YouTube started changing, and it wasn't for the better.
First of all, they took away the dropdown lists that made it easier to distinguish videos that the user made from videos that other people made that are related. NOW the easier thing to do is to go to their channel, but that will not make me happy, thankyouverymuch.
Also, they made it so that you can either like or dislike a video, which is a load of crap. You should be able to RATE it, because there were 5 options, not two.
And another thing. They made comments stupid, too. Now navigating through comments and replies is difficult because they start you out with "@username123" instead of just opening a text box so that you can type a message there, and it should be able to show up underneath the original comment, not in some other obscure place. The video description is underneath, which ruined a lot of videos, because they pointed to the sidebar, but now it's not a sidebar. Then there's the embedding feature, which is cool, but not if it opens a little bar with all these customization trait-thingies.
And THEN, there's the ad on the homepage that just appears when you go to the site. There's also "Reccomended For You", which sucks because you should be able to find videos yourself, and they assume you like a completely different thing than what you watched.
Then there's Blogger.
Yes, Blogger, I'm talking about you.
I don't like the new template design; I like my template the way it is, thanks. I also liked the other toolbar for posting better. Much easier.
On a completely different topic, I am attempting to learn French, and it would be much easier if I could find a DS charger that wasn't USB.
That's pretty much it, so I will go, and leave you to your life.
It was annoying enough when it changed the design. Then they changed "becoming a fan" to "like," and it's hard to distinguish between that and "_____ likes ______'s status." THEN, they stopped listing the pages that people had become a fan of like normal. Instead of:
_____ became a fan of this page.
_____ became a fan of another page.
29089809038423413545 more similar stories
It says:
_____ likes this page, another page, and another page.
_____ likes this other page and 29089809038423413545 other pages.
It's stupid and annoying, and for once, orange had been comforting. Now it's an ugly blue. Not Facebook blue, but the other blue that's stupid and annoying. That blue.
Anyways, after THAT changed, YouTube started changing, and it wasn't for the better.
First of all, they took away the dropdown lists that made it easier to distinguish videos that the user made from videos that other people made that are related. NOW the easier thing to do is to go to their channel, but that will not make me happy, thankyouverymuch.
Also, they made it so that you can either like or dislike a video, which is a load of crap. You should be able to RATE it, because there were 5 options, not two.
And another thing. They made comments stupid, too. Now navigating through comments and replies is difficult because they start you out with "@username123" instead of just opening a text box so that you can type a message there, and it should be able to show up underneath the original comment, not in some other obscure place. The video description is underneath, which ruined a lot of videos, because they pointed to the sidebar, but now it's not a sidebar. Then there's the embedding feature, which is cool, but not if it opens a little bar with all these customization trait-thingies.
And THEN, there's the ad on the homepage that just appears when you go to the site. There's also "Reccomended For You", which sucks because you should be able to find videos yourself, and they assume you like a completely different thing than what you watched.
Then there's Blogger.
Yes, Blogger, I'm talking about you.
I don't like the new template design; I like my template the way it is, thanks. I also liked the other toolbar for posting better. Much easier.
On a completely different topic, I am attempting to learn French, and it would be much easier if I could find a DS charger that wasn't USB.
That's pretty much it, so I will go, and leave you to your life.
HTML Practice run
Hi, people. I've been learning about HTML from a site thats link is indicated *here*. At first, I couldn't get links right, but I had to learn how to work HTML with this browser, because it doesn't work like it said that everything works. It's worked good enough so far, though. I need to practice everything it's teaching me, though, just so that I can do it myself and learn better.
So I decided to try some stuff to see how it looked in a web browser.
P.S. keep in mind that these are merely tests. You don't even have to look at it. Just practicing and somewhat showing off my skillzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Sorry. The Über Haxxor inside is attempting to take over.
His name is Tyrone.
Anyways, here goes:
Seems to be successful so far, right?
But wait, there's more!
Check all that apply:
(If you checked that last box... sorry. You can't be eligible for being a member of the Xmen.)
Sorry, I didn't mean that button to do anything. It's there to look pretty.
Anyway, back to what I was doing.
Those were some pretty colors, now weren't they?
There's still more.
(horizontal rule)
Written by W3Schools.com
Email us
Address: Box 564, Disneyland
Phone: +12 34 56 78
(I cheated. Copied and pasted into the HTMLing thingy. Not the whole thing, just from the stuff after I said, "There's still more." The rest I did myself. I swear.)
Anyway, that's it for the basic HTML script training that I wanted to practice. Bye.
So I decided to try some stuff to see how it looked in a web browser.
P.S. keep in mind that these are merely tests. You don't even have to look at it. Just practicing and somewhat showing off my skillzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Sorry. The Über Haxxor inside is attempting to take over.
His name is Tyrone.
Anyways, here goes:
Seems to be successful so far, right?
But wait, there's more!
Check all that apply:
(If you checked that last box... sorry. You can't be eligible for being a member of the Xmen.)
Sorry, I didn't mean that button to do anything. It's there to look pretty.
Anyway, back to what I was doing.
This is a heading.
This is also a heading...
This is a green sentence.
This is a red sentence.
And yellow...
And purple...
Lime (Ooh la la!)...
And silver.
Those were some pretty colors, now weren't they?
There's still more.
This text is preformatted
(horizontal rule)
- First item
- Next item
- First item
- Next item
- First term
- Definition
- Next term
- Definition
Tableheader | Tableheader |
sometext | sometext |
Text quoted from a source.
Written by W3Schools.com
Email us
Address: Box 564, Disneyland
Phone: +12 34 56 78
(I cheated. Copied and pasted into the HTMLing thingy. Not the whole thing, just from the stuff after I said, "There's still more." The rest I did myself. I swear.)
Anyway, that's it for the basic HTML script training that I wanted to practice. Bye.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I can find many more things wrong with that statement, but...
And the best friend award goes to...
"And I'm so sorry that I'm being a b**ch, because I really don't want you to be mad at me, because I value our friendship, and honestly you're one of the best friends I've ever had."
We were arguing over a boy. Ha. Isn't it weird? We're two of the only people who are least likely to do that, but yes. We were arguing over Four.
I'd rather not go into detail, because it would take too long, so I just won't.
I almost cried over the thought of not being friends with her. I wouldn't have anywhere to go, and no one to talk to, because nobody in our friend group likes it when somebody is just there, taking up space, and not being an active member of the group. I would have to go back to being miserable at the Portables again, and it would suck for the rest of the school year and the summer. I'd have no one to Skype with! And we can't have that, now, can we?
Well, that's it for this post. Bye!
"And I'm so sorry that I'm being a b**ch, because I really don't want you to be mad at me, because I value our friendship, and honestly you're one of the best friends I've ever had."
We were arguing over a boy. Ha. Isn't it weird? We're two of the only people who are least likely to do that, but yes. We were arguing over Four.
I'd rather not go into detail, because it would take too long, so I just won't.
I almost cried over the thought of not being friends with her. I wouldn't have anywhere to go, and no one to talk to, because nobody in our friend group likes it when somebody is just there, taking up space, and not being an active member of the group. I would have to go back to being miserable at the Portables again, and it would suck for the rest of the school year and the summer. I'd have no one to Skype with! And we can't have that, now, can we?
Well, that's it for this post. Bye!
Monday, June 7, 2010
I swear to god, it was only supposed to be shoes!
Wondering what that was all about?
I really don't blame you.
Well, here's what I was talking about.
Yesterday (or the day before. I'm not entirely sure) my "Converse" broke. They're in quotations because they're the Airwalk fake ones. I mowed the lawn in them, and they're all green, not to mention that they were dirty and filled with holes. So today, I thought I would try to wear the only pair of casual shoes that I had left to school, and they made my feet look big, so I said that I need new shoes. So we went shopping.
Raechelle said that she needed to look at some stuff at Staples first, so we went. I needed a flash drive, so I said that while we were in Staples, we should get one. So Raechelle looked at fancy clipboard-binders and decided that on Wednesday she would go back and get this fancy red laptop bag. Then we looked at flash drives, and the only affordable ones that still had reasonable space was a 4 GB one that was $12. There were 16 GB ones that were $80, which is complete and total blasphemy, if you ask me.
After Staples, we drove over to Target for some hair stuff and to look at some shoe options. First we got some shampoo and some other miscellaneous hair stuff, and then we went over to the shoe aisle, where we spent a lot of time, but didn't find anything that you could wear all day every day. Then we started trying on all the sunglasses, got some, and then got an umbrella for me and all of my lost/stolen ones. Then we got some really expensive milk, and left for Payless.
At Payless, it didn't take long for me to find some shoes that I really liked, which were black and purple with little silver stripes on it. It reminds Raechelle of Spiderman, and it reminds my dad of Black Widow. It reminds me of a black cat, because the silver stripes are in whisker formation. Anyway, after that, we went home.
So I had a semi-eventful day today, and the weekend was fun because I was helping my dad with the Kirby Krackle video shoot. I played with a baby, too. Sarah. I will be seeing a lot more of her in the future. Seeing as she loves me now, she'll probably think of me as kind of an older sister when she's older.
On a completely different note, this is the last full week of school before the end of the year, which is really sad because this year has been the best of my life.
I really don't blame you.
Well, here's what I was talking about.
Yesterday (or the day before. I'm not entirely sure) my "Converse" broke. They're in quotations because they're the Airwalk fake ones. I mowed the lawn in them, and they're all green, not to mention that they were dirty and filled with holes. So today, I thought I would try to wear the only pair of casual shoes that I had left to school, and they made my feet look big, so I said that I need new shoes. So we went shopping.
Raechelle said that she needed to look at some stuff at Staples first, so we went. I needed a flash drive, so I said that while we were in Staples, we should get one. So Raechelle looked at fancy clipboard-binders and decided that on Wednesday she would go back and get this fancy red laptop bag. Then we looked at flash drives, and the only affordable ones that still had reasonable space was a 4 GB one that was $12. There were 16 GB ones that were $80, which is complete and total blasphemy, if you ask me.
After Staples, we drove over to Target for some hair stuff and to look at some shoe options. First we got some shampoo and some other miscellaneous hair stuff, and then we went over to the shoe aisle, where we spent a lot of time, but didn't find anything that you could wear all day every day. Then we started trying on all the sunglasses, got some, and then got an umbrella for me and all of my lost/stolen ones. Then we got some really expensive milk, and left for Payless.
At Payless, it didn't take long for me to find some shoes that I really liked, which were black and purple with little silver stripes on it. It reminds Raechelle of Spiderman, and it reminds my dad of Black Widow. It reminds me of a black cat, because the silver stripes are in whisker formation. Anyway, after that, we went home.
So I had a semi-eventful day today, and the weekend was fun because I was helping my dad with the Kirby Krackle video shoot. I played with a baby, too. Sarah. I will be seeing a lot more of her in the future. Seeing as she loves me now, she'll probably think of me as kind of an older sister when she's older.
On a completely different note, this is the last full week of school before the end of the year, which is really sad because this year has been the best of my life.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tales from the Past
AAAAH! It's been too long since I've posted on my blog! So I will now, and tell you the stories that I have promised, after telling you an update on my life.
Yesterday, I woke up with immense pain in my neck, and I didn't feel exceptional, either, so I stayed home from school and went to the chiropractor. They did this thing with a computer and a little device that showed how much stress is put on my spinal cord. Everything was supposed to be green dashes, but there were three pink arrows pointing away from the left side of my neck and one pink arrow pointing the other way at the bottom of my neck. So we did the original routine; neck-cracking, "pretzel", and the breathe out thing. Then she put me on The Table, which is supposed to relax and stretch out your spine, but it was really awkward laying on it. I'm not sure exactly why, but it was really weird. Then I got up and tried to move my neck, and I couldn't at all to the left, so I said something about it and she did the routine again, without the table part, and it felt slightly better, so I didn't complain again, and then my dad and I got Subway and went home. I used an ice pack for a while, and then I used some Icy Hot and then I used ice again, and then I had to go to bed, but that was when it hit me that I would be miserable at school the next day because everybody in the music program was going to Canada, which means Kathy, One, Two, Max, Kevin, and Four. Stephanie wouldn't be leaving, and neither would I, so we would stay at school and mainly 2nd and 3rd periods would be torture, and so would lunch. 2nd period because that's the one class that me, Kathy, and Stephanie all have together, and Kathy and I always have something to talk about, but I never have anything to talk about with Stephanie. 3rd period would be torture because that's band, and I would be the only alto sax that isn't going to Canada. It would suck. There would also be, like, 7 kids in that group of people, including me and Stephanie. Lunch would be torture because without my current friend group around, Stephanie and I wouldn't have anywhere to go. Our old friend group treated us like crap, so we wouldn't have anything to do. In fact, I hadn't realized how much I hated it around where we used to hang out until I went there a few weeks ago and realized how miserable I was there and how much I hated it.
So anyways, now for the stories.
I'll start with the scary guys who liked me, in chronological order. First was Ronald, who was a 2nd grader when I was in 3rd grade. He had this weird, unruly white-man-fro and he really reminds me of Hutch from Fanboys. (Link in his name.) He would always look at me with these crazy eyes and he would smile ALL. THE. TIME. He was really creepy. Then in 5th grade, there was Roger. He was this fat kid with another white-man-fro and his entire body would move around like Jell-O when he walked. He was really gross. Also, when I dyed streaks of my hair blue, he spray-dyed his hair green, and his hair was so greasy, the spray-dye bubbled up like water where the grease was, which was everywhere. It made me want to gag. Also, one time, when we were forced to work together, he didn't do anything and sang the whole time. When I asked him to stop, he said, "What, I can't sing?" I just said that it was annoying and distracting and he kept on singing. So he was gross and disgusting. Nobody else liked me up until this year, when Rudolph liked me. He's short, and he seriously looks like his face was messed up in some kind of accident, but he always says that he was born like that. Sometimes, when I'm just sitting at my desk, minding my own business, he'll come up to the black basket, where our class turns stuff in for 5th and 6th period, also where I sit, and he'll just look through it for no real reason, and then go back to his seat. He also looks at me, trying to be inconspicuous, but it's really obvious. There's also Randolph this year, who is both crazy and gross. He smells like cat pee, and either his hair is really greasy, or he uses hair products to make him look like he hasn't taken a shower in weeks. He glances at me sometimes, and the most demented part is that he tries to show off that he's smart. When he's called on for the answer in class, he shrugs while giving the answer as if it was no big deal. He also says it in this really loud, proud voice, especially when he's reading something aloud. When he started reading in 5th and 6th period, you could hear the entire class comment about the volume of his voice. Even Liz and I looked at each other and said, "Jesus! He's so loud!" I know he's just showing off, though. I'm a quiet person in class. I don't like to talk, and I'm not showy at all, so I have no idea where he got the idea that I would like that.When we do science projects, he claims that he's done these before at his old school, probably assuming that I'll say, "He's SOOOO smart!" and fall head-over-heels for him, but there is no chance whatsoever that that will ever happen in my lifetime. Sorry boys, but there's another man.
Now I must tell you about Jack Henderson.
Long ago, in the days of Kindergarten, there was this huge, wooden boat on some kind of loft thingy in the Duck Clan classroom at Pathfinder. (Instead of rooms, there were clans named after a certain animal.) This boat was filled with little toys. Most of them were old and had lost a lot of pieces, but there was one toy that was an honor to use, and that was the binoculars. I was the one that discovered that if you look into them backwards, everything would be smaller. So anyway, It was the first day of Kindergarten and I had already made friends with every girl in the classroom. I got up in the boat, and I started playing with toys with Rain and Aster, and Jack walked up to me, and said, "Hi! I'm Jack Henderson! Wanna play with me?" I never lost a chance to say yes to somebody who asked me to be their friend or to play with them, so I enthusiastically said, "SURE!" And Rain and Aster got up too, and we were the bestest friends EVER. We were all in the same class until 2nd grade, when Jack got put in the Spider Clan instead of the Frog Clan, and at the end of the year Rain moved to Burien, and Aster switched schools to Gatewood. By then, I was friends with Emma, so in third grade, We met Tzeitel, and in fourth grade, Jack got put back in the same class as us (Otter Clan) and that year was when we met Rosetta. Jack would always build these beautiful structures out of those little pattern blocks that you never knew was possible with so simple a toy. However, Jack had a low self-esteem, so he would say, "It's not good," when I gave it high praise and he would knock it all down and start again. Of course, this was when we were all older, so people started to think more of a boy and a girl being friends, but they couldn't just be friends, so we would get made fun of, and every time we were, he would have to sit as far away from me as possible. One day, some eighth grader threw his shoe in a really tall tree, and he was crying because he didn't think that he would be able to get it back. I encouraged him, and said that I would help him climb the tree and get his shoe back. Of course, along came the three stupidest, meanest girls, my arch nemeses, Thyroidcancer, Kyra, and ED. They saw us both climbing the tree, and HAD to take this opportunity to chant the taunt that we all know. Jack climbed as fast as he could, got his shoe, climbed down as fast as he could, and ran away. You had no idea how much I wanted to kill them all, nor how many times I had this impulse. Thyroidcancer, Kyra, and ED were nicknamed Devil #1, Devil #2, And Devil #3. They were all really stupid and mean. I wanted them all to die a lot.
Anyways, those are my stories. I must go now. Goodbye!
Yesterday, I woke up with immense pain in my neck, and I didn't feel exceptional, either, so I stayed home from school and went to the chiropractor. They did this thing with a computer and a little device that showed how much stress is put on my spinal cord. Everything was supposed to be green dashes, but there were three pink arrows pointing away from the left side of my neck and one pink arrow pointing the other way at the bottom of my neck. So we did the original routine; neck-cracking, "pretzel", and the breathe out thing. Then she put me on The Table, which is supposed to relax and stretch out your spine, but it was really awkward laying on it. I'm not sure exactly why, but it was really weird. Then I got up and tried to move my neck, and I couldn't at all to the left, so I said something about it and she did the routine again, without the table part, and it felt slightly better, so I didn't complain again, and then my dad and I got Subway and went home. I used an ice pack for a while, and then I used some Icy Hot and then I used ice again, and then I had to go to bed, but that was when it hit me that I would be miserable at school the next day because everybody in the music program was going to Canada, which means Kathy, One, Two, Max, Kevin, and Four. Stephanie wouldn't be leaving, and neither would I, so we would stay at school and mainly 2nd and 3rd periods would be torture, and so would lunch. 2nd period because that's the one class that me, Kathy, and Stephanie all have together, and Kathy and I always have something to talk about, but I never have anything to talk about with Stephanie. 3rd period would be torture because that's band, and I would be the only alto sax that isn't going to Canada. It would suck. There would also be, like, 7 kids in that group of people, including me and Stephanie. Lunch would be torture because without my current friend group around, Stephanie and I wouldn't have anywhere to go. Our old friend group treated us like crap, so we wouldn't have anything to do. In fact, I hadn't realized how much I hated it around where we used to hang out until I went there a few weeks ago and realized how miserable I was there and how much I hated it.
So anyways, now for the stories.
I'll start with the scary guys who liked me, in chronological order. First was Ronald, who was a 2nd grader when I was in 3rd grade. He had this weird, unruly white-man-fro and he really reminds me of Hutch from Fanboys. (Link in his name.) He would always look at me with these crazy eyes and he would smile ALL. THE. TIME. He was really creepy. Then in 5th grade, there was Roger. He was this fat kid with another white-man-fro and his entire body would move around like Jell-O when he walked. He was really gross. Also, when I dyed streaks of my hair blue, he spray-dyed his hair green, and his hair was so greasy, the spray-dye bubbled up like water where the grease was, which was everywhere. It made me want to gag. Also, one time, when we were forced to work together, he didn't do anything and sang the whole time. When I asked him to stop, he said, "What, I can't sing?" I just said that it was annoying and distracting and he kept on singing. So he was gross and disgusting. Nobody else liked me up until this year, when Rudolph liked me. He's short, and he seriously looks like his face was messed up in some kind of accident, but he always says that he was born like that. Sometimes, when I'm just sitting at my desk, minding my own business, he'll come up to the black basket, where our class turns stuff in for 5th and 6th period, also where I sit, and he'll just look through it for no real reason, and then go back to his seat. He also looks at me, trying to be inconspicuous, but it's really obvious. There's also Randolph this year, who is both crazy and gross. He smells like cat pee, and either his hair is really greasy, or he uses hair products to make him look like he hasn't taken a shower in weeks. He glances at me sometimes, and the most demented part is that he tries to show off that he's smart. When he's called on for the answer in class, he shrugs while giving the answer as if it was no big deal. He also says it in this really loud, proud voice, especially when he's reading something aloud. When he started reading in 5th and 6th period, you could hear the entire class comment about the volume of his voice. Even Liz and I looked at each other and said, "Jesus! He's so loud!" I know he's just showing off, though. I'm a quiet person in class. I don't like to talk, and I'm not showy at all, so I have no idea where he got the idea that I would like that.When we do science projects, he claims that he's done these before at his old school, probably assuming that I'll say, "He's SOOOO smart!" and fall head-over-heels for him, but there is no chance whatsoever that that will ever happen in my lifetime. Sorry boys, but there's another man.
Now I must tell you about Jack Henderson.
Long ago, in the days of Kindergarten, there was this huge, wooden boat on some kind of loft thingy in the Duck Clan classroom at Pathfinder. (Instead of rooms, there were clans named after a certain animal.) This boat was filled with little toys. Most of them were old and had lost a lot of pieces, but there was one toy that was an honor to use, and that was the binoculars. I was the one that discovered that if you look into them backwards, everything would be smaller. So anyway, It was the first day of Kindergarten and I had already made friends with every girl in the classroom. I got up in the boat, and I started playing with toys with Rain and Aster, and Jack walked up to me, and said, "Hi! I'm Jack Henderson! Wanna play with me?" I never lost a chance to say yes to somebody who asked me to be their friend or to play with them, so I enthusiastically said, "SURE!" And Rain and Aster got up too, and we were the bestest friends EVER. We were all in the same class until 2nd grade, when Jack got put in the Spider Clan instead of the Frog Clan, and at the end of the year Rain moved to Burien, and Aster switched schools to Gatewood. By then, I was friends with Emma, so in third grade, We met Tzeitel, and in fourth grade, Jack got put back in the same class as us (Otter Clan) and that year was when we met Rosetta. Jack would always build these beautiful structures out of those little pattern blocks that you never knew was possible with so simple a toy. However, Jack had a low self-esteem, so he would say, "It's not good," when I gave it high praise and he would knock it all down and start again. Of course, this was when we were all older, so people started to think more of a boy and a girl being friends, but they couldn't just be friends, so we would get made fun of, and every time we were, he would have to sit as far away from me as possible. One day, some eighth grader threw his shoe in a really tall tree, and he was crying because he didn't think that he would be able to get it back. I encouraged him, and said that I would help him climb the tree and get his shoe back. Of course, along came the three stupidest, meanest girls, my arch nemeses, Thyroidcancer, Kyra, and ED. They saw us both climbing the tree, and HAD to take this opportunity to chant the taunt that we all know. Jack climbed as fast as he could, got his shoe, climbed down as fast as he could, and ran away. You had no idea how much I wanted to kill them all, nor how many times I had this impulse. Thyroidcancer, Kyra, and ED were nicknamed Devil #1, Devil #2, And Devil #3. They were all really stupid and mean. I wanted them all to die a lot.
Anyways, those are my stories. I must go now. Goodbye!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Today, Kathy came over after school. We walked to Hiawatha Park and sat on the swings and then walked home. Isn't it amazing how many anthills you see at this time of year? I was very careful not to step on any and potentially kill all those harmless ants and their homes. It would kill a little bit of my soul if I did.
Anyway, the point of this blog post is earthquakes, obviously, as you can tell by the title. I am interested in earthquakes now, because I watched a video in science class about the 6.8 earthquake that hit Kobe, Japan in 1995. Video:
Another one like that hit San Francisco in 1998, and another one right here in Seattle in 2001. Why is it that even though I was four, I have never personally experienced an earthquake before in my life? I'd like to, because it would be kind of fun, but I'm not saying that the damage afterward wouldn't suck.
I was talking to Raechelle about this and we were surfing YouTube for videos and there was one about a sinkhole that opened up right underneath a house and the whole family inside the house most likely died. Is it heartless that while I was watching the video, I was really mostly thinking about how much I hated the blue roof? It was blue! What the hell!
In other news, I heard that both Two and Max think I'm interesting. This is meaningful to me, because apparently Max had a questionable attitude about me. But yesterday, on the bus for the field trip, Me, Kathy, and Max were all talking together, and Max thinks I'm a good person now. I'm not so sure exactly about Two, but he's been noticing that I'm there a lot more than he used to, so I'm pretty excited. This might be the first sane and/or good-looking guy that has had an interest in me since Jack Henderson. Everybody else has been crazy and/or gross. Mostly gross people. Names? Why not. Roger and Rudolph were/are gross, Randolph is both, and Ronald was crazy. Ugh. I'm shuddering at the thought of all of them. I have to go, like, now, though, so some other time I will tell you the story of these people, because most of you have no idea what I'm talking about.
Anyway, the point of this blog post is earthquakes, obviously, as you can tell by the title. I am interested in earthquakes now, because I watched a video in science class about the 6.8 earthquake that hit Kobe, Japan in 1995. Video:
Another one like that hit San Francisco in 1998, and another one right here in Seattle in 2001. Why is it that even though I was four, I have never personally experienced an earthquake before in my life? I'd like to, because it would be kind of fun, but I'm not saying that the damage afterward wouldn't suck.
I was talking to Raechelle about this and we were surfing YouTube for videos and there was one about a sinkhole that opened up right underneath a house and the whole family inside the house most likely died. Is it heartless that while I was watching the video, I was really mostly thinking about how much I hated the blue roof? It was blue! What the hell!
In other news, I heard that both Two and Max think I'm interesting. This is meaningful to me, because apparently Max had a questionable attitude about me. But yesterday, on the bus for the field trip, Me, Kathy, and Max were all talking together, and Max thinks I'm a good person now. I'm not so sure exactly about Two, but he's been noticing that I'm there a lot more than he used to, so I'm pretty excited. This might be the first sane and/or good-looking guy that has had an interest in me since Jack Henderson. Everybody else has been crazy and/or gross. Mostly gross people. Names? Why not. Roger and Rudolph were/are gross, Randolph is both, and Ronald was crazy. Ugh. I'm shuddering at the thought of all of them. I have to go, like, now, though, so some other time I will tell you the story of these people, because most of you have no idea what I'm talking about.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
I should say something before you people die of boredom.
Su cabeza lo más probable es explotar por falta de inhalación jirafa en menos de siete segundos.
"Your head will most likely explode from lack of giraffe inhalation in less than seven seconds."
I bet you're cracking up now.
What else shall I say in Spanish?
Lo siento señor, su cabeza parece estar estancado en los pantalones que elefante pequeño. ¿Quieres un poco de ayuda con eso?
"I'm sorry sir, your head seems to be stuck in that little elephant's pants. Would you like some help with that?"
Nothing interesting has happened recently, but I will say that I have had an exceptionally good weekend. Goodbye.
Su cabeza lo más probable es explotar por falta de inhalación jirafa en menos de siete segundos.
"Your head will most likely explode from lack of giraffe inhalation in less than seven seconds."
I bet you're cracking up now.
What else shall I say in Spanish?
Lo siento señor, su cabeza parece estar estancado en los pantalones que elefante pequeño. ¿Quieres un poco de ayuda con eso?
"I'm sorry sir, your head seems to be stuck in that little elephant's pants. Would you like some help with that?"
Nothing interesting has happened recently, but I will say that I have had an exceptionally good weekend. Goodbye.
Monday, May 3, 2010
This idiotic, to say the most.
Now you see that Justin Beiber really doesn't have an education.
Anyway, now I will quote Shakespeare.
"[Thou hath] not so much brain as ear wax."
Friday, April 16, 2010
Also, antidisestablishmentarianism.
Well, then, now that that's settled...
Guess what I did last night? I saw Florence and the Machine play at the Showbox. I have decided to rank all the concerts that I've been to from 1st place to 5th place.
Well, then, now that that's settled...
Guess what I did last night? I saw Florence and the Machine play at the Showbox. I have decided to rank all the concerts that I've been to from 1st place to 5th place.
- Florence and the Machine - Showbox
- The Police - Key Arena
- Mute Math/Alanis Morissette/Matchbox Twenty - Key Arena
- Kirby Krackle (2nd time) - Comicon
- Kirby Krackle (1st time) - Comicon
So yeah. It was a REALLY good show. Florence really OWNED the stage. Nobody will ever be as awesome as that. No matter the sucky openers, the hour-long wait time for them to set up, or the staff that didn't think that minors would want to sit down (They wouldn't even let me sit on the stairs!), it was worth it in the end. I got a T-shirt.
Guess what else happened last night?
Very close to the end of the show, the light guys were packing up to go home, and one of the guys gave me a set list. What was hilarious was that he didn't want anybody else to have it. Just me. It made me feel special. I'd post a picture, but it's on my phone that doesn't hook up to computers.
So that's what happened last night. I was out until midnight, so I stayed home from school because I wasn't just gonna sleep for 6 1/2 hours and then go to school. That's not right. So my parents' justification for that was that as long as I have straight A's and good reasons to stay home, they'll let me stay home twice in one week.
Goodbye, blog, and hello long weekend.
This has been quite the awesome week.
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